I used to have a laborer in Wyoming (who had a lot of potential and looked like a young Brad Pitt) that didn’t care how much money he made as long as he could get out and ______ with his buddies as often as possible. F’ing modern hippy. For two years he looked up to me and he sucked in knowledge and built skills faster than almost everyone else I’ve worked with - I kept mentioning he needs to be a reliable worker, show up early, don’t call in sick, and get that stupid idea of out his head to take a month off to go do that ______ thing with his friends. F’ing hippy. I kept telling him, he won’t get rehired, or will loose all his seniority if he leaves like that. In a few short years he could be a full fledged carpenter at the rate he was going.
The day came he couldn’t resist the mountains - gave a short notice and packed up his van and took off to play like a damn hippy until money ran out. He called once in a while, then I never heard from him for almost a year. Turned out he met a hippy girl and they hit it off. F’ing modern hippies. She is the only heir to her dad’s $billion net worth - he hasn’t worked a day since.
Don’t listen to my advice - you’re young so go do exciting things, live where you want, do what you want. I’ve lived in Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and Alaska - you just have to test drive each one since they are so different. If your passion is snowboarding, I’d go to Colorado. Wyoming has better hunting and limited ski resorts. Rural areas don’t pay very well, popular areas are over priced. Plenty of opportunities all over the west to struggle. Lol