Best state to kill a BIG whitetail - GO!

Apr 3, 2020
Central KS
This is my first post to RokSlide! - I have read several forums on this site and have a good friend that refers to it all the time. With that said, I have hunted several states chasing all sorts of game - but as time goes on, I feel like the best state to kill a big whitetail can change from year to year due to over-hunting, disease, etc. Now, what is your opinion on the BEST state to kill a BIG whitetail and why? Thanks!!!
Any of the midwest corn states. Im from Southern Indiana and i have seen some great bucks come from around my area.. but really any where on the ohio river valley has great hard woods and hill. Filled with fields of soybean, corn and hay!
Whatever state that I'm not hunting in.

Seriously though, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky and if you want to venture to Canada I'd include Alberta and Saskatchewan.
I would add central ohio. Coshocton county. I have an outfitter there i can recommend too.

George Davis
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I live in east central Illinois, so don’t need an outfitter. Pike county seems to be on the downhill slide. For big bucks anyway.
Whatever state that I'm not hunting in.

Seriously though, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky and if you want to venture to Canada I'd include Alberta and Saskatchewan.

I agree on these. I would add Ohio to the list as well....... then someone will kill a giant in a sleeper state and that one suddenly goes to the top for a few years too. lol
Most Midwest states would have to be in the discussion. My gut says Iowa and kansas, but I’ve never looked into the statistics and what not. I would look into the state that limits rut hunting and tag allocation the most though. Those states hopefully get deer that live longer allowing them to reach their prime. After EHD went through the Midwest states quite a few years ago we were forced to drop rifle tag numbers A LOT in some really good counties which have produced big deer in the past. Subsequently there have been several 200+” white tails shot last year (on public land too) and some the year prior. I also know someone who used to shed hunt a lot before it was so cool... the amount of massive sheds that were common back in the day was unreal. There were some pretty decent genetics in that area obviously. But there were way less hunters back and as the archery equipment was not near the quality of today.
From what I hear Iowa would be a neat place to go. I live in Illinois, and it might not be as good as it use to be but it still ain’t bad. The nice thing about IL is that there’s potential for a true giant anywhere in the state. From the Ohio river to the Wisconsin border, folks kill biggins. It’s not like north vs south Missouri or east vs West Kentucky, where there seems to be a big difference region to region(in my opinion, haven’t hunted whitetail anywhere else just going off what I hear/read). That being said, there’s probably states like Iowa or Kansas that have a lot more big deer.