Best semi auto pig round and rifle ?

OK now to try and find it for a good chunk less than 1600 ouch
That is a Browning MK3 DBM 10+1
Fat chance on finding one of these in the coming year or so
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Ive shot them with everything from a 22 LR to a 45/70. The best semi auto I’ve used is a 6.8 SPC with a 95 TTSX or a 110 Accubonds.
Little late but thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

My best knock em pigs in the dirt rifles have been a 338-284, or a hot loaded 270 running a light Barnes TTSX at 3700 fps, but it would literally blow them apart.

But for semi auto light recoil we had great luck with the 6.8 SPC. When my father got older, and had shoulder operations, I set him up with a 6.8 SPC Ruger Mini as he could not deal 30-06 recoil any more. And he could not adjust to an AR15 rifle. He could put them in the dirt even at 90yo with his mini.

Just a note though, it was not shooting right when we got it so we had to send it back to the factory and they changed the bolt barrel and a couple of other things.

Now I most use a 277 Wolverine AR15, or a 300BO, or a 458 Socom. Use the 300BO only for subs.

Now I most use a 277 Wolverine AR15, or a 300BO, or a 458 Socom. Use the 300BO only for subs.

Why the .277 WLV and not a 6.8 SPC in an AR? How does the .277 WLV do on pigs and deer? Do you feel like you are giving much up with the .277 WLV vs the 6.8 SPC? I’ve always been intrigued with the Wolverine but don’t know many who have them.
Pa is RIP now, so I can use the 6.8 mini any time although I havent lately. The 277 W takes the regular 5.56 magazines and a standard 5.56 bolt, and they sell correct headstamped brass although I do have a ton of 5.56 brass. You can buy ammo but its a bit hard to find. Gives up a little speed over the 6.8 SPC but deer and hogs would never know the difference especially with barnes or cutting edge bullets.
Pa is RIP now, so I can use the 6.8 mini any time although I havent lately. The 277 W takes the regular 5.56 magazines and a standard 5.56 bolt, and they sell correct headstamped brass although I do have a ton of 5.56 brass. You can buy ammo but its a bit hard to find. Gives up a little speed over the 6.8 SPC but deer and hogs would never know the difference especially with barnes or cutting edge bullets.

Sorry to hear about your dad.

Yeah, that’s what always intrigued me about the WLV is that many of the components are the same.

Thanks for the feedback on performance.
I will also mention, that when dad got to where he couldnt walk so well to track a deer, I switched over to cutting edge bullets for his rifle for deer, and they dont go far with those bullets, although they are expensive bullets. Deer I shot with them or were told by dad, ran about 10 feet and DRT.
Good to know. I don’t have any experience with cutting edge bullets but will need to look them up.
450 Bushmaster on a AR platform would be my choice. With a bit of searching you can put together one for around 600 dollars.