Best non custom mountain rifle

The Kimber Montana 84M has everything I'm looking for in a lightweight moutain rifle and right at $1K
I handled one in .308 last month....sweet little rifle. But for $1800-$2000 my standard 84M .308 weighs exactly the same down to the oz with $350 worth of upgrades making its $1500. If money is no object and you love digital camo, rock on. :D
I would also take a look ay the Sako A7, just picked one up for less then a Tikka and it has a few more upgrades standard that the tikka doesn't. I believe all the A7 shares with the Tikka is the barrel, the action is similar to the Finn 75 and 85.

My Sako weighs 6lbs 5oz in 30-06. They do make this in a 7mm and .308, I just couldn't source the 7mm locally and I like the 30-06.
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I am impressed with the Sako A7 in 300 WSM. I like it better than the T3 and its not a bank breaker.
I have been using my Remington Model 7 ss in 7mm-08. Small package,lightweight and accurate. It's a joy to pack around.
Welcome to Rokslide, 300mag!

I also like my Model 7 in 7-08, but I rebarreled it with a little heavier contour Douglas for longer practice sessions.
and for a different flavor altogether

blaser k95, the .270 win i just got was 5 lb 7oz naked, has a 1 lb trigger, i punched a .76" ctc 5 shot with federal 140 accubonds the other day but reality i generally keep 3 shots around the moa mark so far, it takes down, scope comes off also allowing you to use the iron sights whenever you want, balance feel points incredible, its beautiful gun, the modularity is great, nice for cleaning etc. love that you flip two levers and shoot iron sights whenever you feel and have repeatable zero putting scope back on, the scope mount runs around 6.5 oz with rings and with a vx3 2.5-8x36 it sits at 1 oz over 6.5 lbs...other than not being a repeater...its pretty versatile, a review will come soon