Springfield Waypoint 2020 rifles


Jan 31, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Any feedback good or bad to report on these? Noticed quite a few sites offering rifles for significant discounts - as in 5-600 off retail...

Not a fan of the drop down polymer mag but assuming you could replace with a 3 round AICS?

*** edit - did some searching on this site - seems they have some major feeding/extractions issues with less than favorable customer service follow up????
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I picked one up in late December. 6 creedmoor with the fluted steel barrel. Would have liked the carbon, but local store was running 10% off on in store stock (didn't have a carbon 6 CM), and the free 22 LR if purchased before the end of the year. ~$1600 seemed like a steal for all of that.

I have been working up a load for it the last month. It shot factory 108 ELDM in a 0.5 MOA 5 shot group with only 3 rounds down the barrel. I pretty easily found similar performance with handloaded 108Ms, 109M, and 103Xs.

The gun shoot great. I also read the feeding issues but haven't had any problems yet. Seems this was mostly with 6.5 PRCs (and early 7 PRCs before they changed the magazine).

I didn't think I would like the magazine, but it has been fine.

I really like the rifle. I have a Fierce 7 PRC Carbon Rogue, and they seem like very similar rifles in quality and features, and both were very easy to find an accurate load with.