Best Mule Deer Photo Contest

With all those monsters this looks like a baby but trophy in my book. Nv ruby mountains archery


Here's one in my backyard :rolleyes:
I think its only fair to post some pics from some very close friends all killed in the northern ca mountains just for sharing purposes
my little brothers first buck would not be prouder
Here is my Idaho Muzzeloader buck from October just getting around to posting it.The shot was 130yrds.I got him on day 7 of a 8 day hunt it was a tuf hunt The best buck i had seen up unto this buck was the night before when I got to within 50 yards of a 30 inch 175-180 class buck and passed him it was a long night thinking I wouldnt be able to find anything better.

It's about time Jim! Having a new baby and working a ton of hours is no excuse to hold back your big mule deer photos from us!
Great deer by a great hunter. Good job.
It's getting close to wrapping this thread up. Any more photos you want to post up? Need them by February 1st, then we'll judge.

I just read through this thread... this series of pics is awesome.

This one is the bees knees... especially since we get to see outcome of the stalk.

Battle-what is the yardage on this pic? Is this where you shot from?
I just read through this thread... this series of pics is awesome.

This one is the bees knees... especially since we get to see outcome of the stalk.

Battle-what is the yardage on this pic? Is this where you shot from?

That picture was taken from the first location I saw him during the actual stalk. I think he was only 35 yards horizontal distance but I opted to get closer as I had forgotten my rangefinder for the trip. I was able to drop down a 6 foot drop, down a small section of steep slope and back up a 4’ ledge to where I could see him again. At the shot, I estimated him at 30 yards horizontal distance and the arrow hit right where I held my 30 yard pin.
Some truely great animals guys thanks for posting up. Looks like i missed out on elknuts deer pictures are gone sounded like a toad
OK Roksliders,
we're judging this thread now.

Thanks for participating.

I sent some of you a PM if there was anything I need cleared up, so please check PMs!

Give me a few days as we judge, and confirm prizes with sponsors.

Thanks! And good job everyone.
Drum roll, please.....

After much anguish and in-fighting amongst staff :), we've arrived at a winner.

We judged on the following criteria:
1) Is it a good photo? Clean, minimal blood, great background, color, lighting, and photo quality?
2) Was the picture interesting?
3) If there were multiple photos, did they complement each other?

Also, we did not deduct if photo was only posted as a thumbnail photo. We realize not everyone knows how to post full-size, so next year we'll provide those instructions.

So, the winner is Bowunter!


He wins the following gear:
First Lite's Chama Hoodie in ASAT camo valued at $140
First Lite's Merino Glove in ASAT camo valued at $40

Check out their new 2013 catalogue at
Killer new stuff and you can see and read about the Chama Hoodie on page 27 and the Merino Gloves on page 35. Also check out their website at

If that's not enough, how about a $50 gift certificate towards the awesome line-up over at Phone Skope
This company has really stepped it up for the fast-growing past time of digiscoping and more (like binocs and rifle scopes), so check them out, too!

Finally, we don't allow no self-respecting deer hunter to go without Rokslide gear, so we are including a Rokslide Hoodie valued at $40 smackers.

Now Bowunter can look cool like me! Seriously, I love these hoodies and they really get noticed.

Congrats Bowunter on a great buck and photos.

There was a runner up I'd like to mention, (sorry, no gear) as his photo kept me up at night trying to nail down a winner. He came up one short but still a good photo and a good buck. It's BigSurArchers good-lookin' hard-horned rifle buck:

Thanks to everyone who submitted.

For next year, we're already planning a bigger and better contest. We're talking with sponsors already to line up some great gear, so make sure you pack that camera and learn how to use it to get great photos. Thanks for playing. All the best on your 2013 hunts. Thread's been reopened if you want to send some good karma to the winner!
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