Best Mule Deer Photo Contest

Gasman, good to have you on Rokslide
Very pretty buck. I really like his symmetry and the fact that he's got a little of everything. Looking at his face, he doesn't appear young. Good job.
Thanks! The taxidermist estimated his age at about 6 years old, and his backs are very tall for the area where he was taken (Craig, CO). He was a wily old guy!
Over 20 miles hiked in 2 days to finally find a mature buck on public land in SD.


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Nevada buck

I have been following the forum on Rokslide for a while now, but havent posted anything other than pictures here. However, the base of hunters on this site seems to be second to none! Thank you Rokslide folks putting this together, and thanks to all the hunters here for a wealth of information.

I have been following the forum on Rokslide for a while now, but havent posted anything other than pictures here. However, the base of hunters on this site seems to be second to none! Thank you Rokslide folks putting this together, and thanks to all the hunters here for a wealth of information.

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Thanks for Sharing NV_Madmuley! Really nice buck with great character. Congrats and welcome aboard!

I have been following the forum on Rokslide for a while now, but havent posted anything other than pictures here. However, the base of hunters on this site seems to be second to none! Thank you Rokslide folks putting this together, and thanks to all the hunters here for a wealth of information.

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Great buck!!! We appreciate your photos and love his character!!! I like big 3X3 frames and all his stickers!! Well done!
hey everyone, with almost all hunts wrapping up with a few exceptions down south and South of the Border, we'll probably judge this thread around February 1st.

Not too late to get your photo up.

Remember, it's not just about the buck's size, but the whole "experience" that the picture conveys to the viewer. Right now, I see a couple on here that aren't the biggest bucks, but have what it takes to win. Post 'em up!

Still got a few ;) I have some guys out trying to find that 8X10 with drop we talked about to see if he survived the rifle onslaught they were going to put on him. Love to see some late season AZ stuff guys!!! Get them up!!
I don't think I had posted a picture of my E Colorado buck. Also threw another one of my KS buck along with my brother. We decoyed those bucks in 30 minutes apart in the same field. It is a hunt we will never forget!!


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Idaho Muzzeloader Buck

Here is my Idaho Muzzeloader buck from October just getting around to posting it.The shot was 130yrds.I got him on day 7 of a 8 day hunt it was a tuf hunt The best buck i had seen up unto this buck was the night before when I got to within 50 yards of a 30 inch 175-180 class buck and passed him it was a long night thinking I wouldnt be able to find anything better.


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