best general purpose STEEL shot-size for combo of big & small ducks?


Feb 17, 2018
Surprised I didnt find 7 different threads on the topic. For you guys who waterfowl hunt a lot, what is your favorite 12ga steel shot size for general purpose waterfowl use? This is mostly fairly open marsh, and a 50:50 mixture of small ducks (teal and wood ducks) and bigger ducks (mallards, blacks, etc) and only very rarely geese. While I'd like to think all shots will be close, cupped-wings, floating in the air as they commit to my decoys...the reality is some shots will be less than perfect like that. Not skybusting by any stretch, but with my decoy and calling skills resembling that of a chimpanzee, "getting them close and shooting them in the face" is perhaps more aspiration than reality.... Are steel 2's too big for the small ducks? Are steel 4's too small for the big ducks? Are 3's the perfect answer? Does it actually matter?
Any experience, advice or snide remarks are welcomed. Thanks in advance.

Pic for entertainment.

I shoot kent fasteal 3” #6 shot for ducks
Drop down to the teal steel 3” #6 for woodies or timber hunts.

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I shoot kent fasteal 3” #6 shot for ducks
Drop down to the teal steel 3” #6 for woodies or timber hunts.

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What's the difference? I probably wont drop that small, just curious the difference between those 3" 6's versus teal 3" 6's?
I like #2 for ducks, BBs for big Canada geese. Teal get a pass from me, I very rarely shoot at them. If I was shooting predominately teal, I would drop down to #4's. #4's work well for bigger ducks too, but I don't like chasing/cleaning up the extra steel pellets to be honest. Call me lazy, but more and smaller shot tends to lead to more missed pellets left in the meat, which can lead to broken teeth.
I like 1s for ducks and geese close and far. It gives you more range than 3s and 4s, and then doesn’t tear up as much duck when they are decoying as smaller shot. 2s are my second choice if I can’t find 1s.
Interesting. @amassi What does the difference do for you, just reduced recoil and effective range is irrelevant there?

Where I’m shooting in timber for wood ducks and mallards a 12 gauge is overkill I need to buy a dedicated 20 or 28 but finding non tox 28 gauge can be a chore.
The lite “teal” loads pattern extremely well out of a sx3 and a patern master
Both loads are effective well past 40 yards but the lite load gets there slower .

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3 inch 11/4 oz #4s for me. Just regular federal, Winchester or Kent. No need for expensive loads inside 40 yards
I shoot decoying ducks, I like my first shot or two a number 4, followed by 3s or 2s. If I were to shoot one size for all it would be 3s. If the Teal are thick I stick with 4s.

Got to pattern them, chokes and loads can be all over the place, I generally prefer an IC tube but every combo can change drastically.

Shooting a lot of 1 1/16th oz Kents for first round in recent years.

Contrary to popular belief with the right combo it will out perform the shooter!