Best 4-16 rifle scope for 1k or less

Im in the market for a new scope to go on a predator hunting/ longish range target shooting rifle and was wondering what some options would be for a 4-16 or 3-15 under or around 1k.

My needs for the scope are:

Exposed elevation and windage turret’s (unless the scope has the ability to hold windage in the reticle)

A good MOA based reticle

I’d prefer SFP because it’s mainly going to be used for hunting but I would’t mind a FFP if it has illumination

Im not really concerned about weight but the lighter the better

I don’t want a scope that is made in China

The only scope I’ve been able to find that meets these specs is the Vortex Viper hst 4-16x44, this is probably a lot to ask for under or around 1k but any suggestions would be awesome.

Nightforce SHV 4-14 F1 FFP but has nice illumination in the center. Comes in MOA. Exposed elevation, capped windage, but hashes for holding wind like you want. Durable. Not made in China.

It's $1290 at Cabelas. But if you buy it on their 10% off day, get cash back through activejunky, and pay with discounted Cabela's gift cards (e.g. through, you'll end up right about $1000 ($1024 if you were to do that today, as activejunky is only 6% cash back today and discounts are only at 6%).
I find FFP is superior for hunting and I’d encourage you to give it a go with a decent FFP reticle scope before you write it off. Many have made the switch permanently to FFP for hunting after using both with proper hunting reticles.

The Maven RS1.2 is a hair over the budget, but otherwise is pretty darn close to fitting the ticket and has an excellent MRAD reticle option. No clue how their MOA scope is. But it seems that almost everyone who gives MRAD a try never goes back to MOA.

If you’re set on the MOA and SFP, Trijicon is an excellent option.
How is the cheek weld on that scope/rifle combo? I was thinking about getting the Kalix Teknik cheek riser since im not crazy concerned about weight.

Not bad at all. I had to go med UM tikka rings due to the ctr barrel contour. Lows may clear with the t3x lite or superlite, but can't confirm.
Do any of you guys that are recommending the Credo have experience with banging their rifle around a bit and not handling it too gently? I’m in the same boat as OP, but durability is always my top priority in a scope.
Mine rides in the gun rack on my polaris ranger going down our trail to my property. It is by no means a hwy and is bumpy as hell. Im sure the gun, being the rack is rigid mounted, takes a shaking pretty good every time I go down it. Now, I don't throw out my deer stand like some just to prove a point, but all thing considered and from what I've read online, Mine has never lost zero.
Do any of you guys that are recommending the Credo have experience with banging their rifle around a bit and not handling it too gently? I’m in the same boat as OP, but durability is always my top priority in a scope.
I use a Credo HX 4-16 and it was in a gun scabbard in my UTV driving rough trails all week. Last evening of a coues hunt I dialed the scope for a 550 yd shot and dropped it in his tracks. It passed my test.
Some excellent scopes listed, but Imo as glass goes the Steiner Predator 4 trumps anything listed so far. Huge fov and no tunneling on the low end, incredible glass, incredible dof, it shouldn’t be anywhere close to as good as it is for the price they are. No exposed turrets though so that’s possibly a deal breaker for some.

The 6-24 is the one I have experience with, I’ve had it sit by the best I own and I just have to kinda laugh, just an incredible scope optically. I’m assuming the 4-16 is no different bit can’t say for sure, they’re fairly light weight and have good ret’s for hunting, it’s not a dialer though and has very little elevation.

Oh and the scopes I’m referring to for a little comparison are a Zeiss v8 1st gen, and older hensoldt, a zco, a Minox mp5, an atcar, a few nx8’s, a Burris xtriii, and a razor gen 2, so pretty good company.

The pst gen 2 also hits above its weight imo and has a better warranty as well as exposed turrets and better rets for lr work. The Trijicon scopes are also excellent.

As to reliability on the Steiner I can’t say yet, only have a few hundred rounds but so far so good. It’s a straight up hunting scope with great glass.
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The MOA LRHS I have in the classifieds would be a good fit as well, if you're still deciding. 4.5-18, FFP with a very usable reticle. Very reliable, reasonable weight, good glass.

Only reason I am selling it is to complete the switch to MIL.