How many big game animals have you personally shot with Berger bullets? I'm at a couple dozen and they work great for me. I've tried almost every new wizz bang super duper critter wrecker bullet available in the last 25 years, bonded, mono ect.Because the hunting community spent 150+ years dealing with inconsistent terminal ballistic performance, resulting in wounded animals, lost game a dead hunters of dangerous game.
This has all been done before…there are defined standards for internal, external, and terminal ballistics. That last one is the most critical…and cup/core bullets are garbage at it outside ideal circumstances.
Look at why bullets like the Nosler Partition were invented prior to bonding technology. Look at why so many African animals get shot by solids.
DOD just spent billions reinventing the wheel with M855A1 and came to the same conclusions on terminal ballistics that everyone already knew- You need barrier blind straight line penetration of xyz inches, creating an entrance and exit wound that will depressurise the cardiovascular system and lead to lung/heart failure.
Cup and Core bullets shatter…you can’t count on consistent straight line penetration and exit wounds. You lose them to barriers like heavy bone or angled shots requiring deep penetration.
In today’s world, there is no reason for a bullet to lose more than 10% of its weight…none.
Using a cup and core bullet is intentionally handicapping yourself. It’s just illogical.
Bergers are better for what I expect a bullet to do, penetrate enough and destroy vital organs.