Beef or Pork Fat In Your Venison Burgers

I do beef fat in my burger, around 12%

That said, might also mix in some chopped bacon if I'm throwing on the grill. That's tasty.

Also, call it sacrilege but I will mix some beef meat into my burger - get a brisket, deconstruct it into chunks and grade by 99% fat (edges), 85% fat (marbled), 15% fat (marbled the other way), and 1% fat (center). High percentages go to burger, middle goes to different types of sausages like merguez, low/no-fat gets saved for stew meat. Do the math to get it where you want it. I like that it extends the batch and if anything adds flavor.

I do the same thing with pork, but pork is for sausage only.

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Pork fat can spoil, go rancid fairly quickly if not frozen. Some butchers won't even offer it.

A beef fat mix can sit above freezing a long time and be fine.
Made the bacon burgers for years at 25%.

Tried beef fat this year at 15% and I like the way it cooks and tastes. I think I will do this from now on.

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Had some great burgers last weekend that were 50% venison and 50% un-trimmed brisket. I plan on trying that next time.
10-12% beef fat is what I like. I'll call the butcher at the local higher end grocery store and have him save the trimmings from NY and ribeye steaks for me.
If you want a treat, pick up a bag of cheap bacon ends and bits and some high temp cheddar.
20% +/- on the bacon some cheese..........pretty damn tasty bacon burger with cheese...
We do this as well. Just without the cheese because, well, I didn't think of it. But know you bet your hinder I'm going to try this!
Beef fat. Adjust the amount of fat you mix with your lean venison based on how lean of burger you want. Like it was mentioned above, I prefer 10%
How do you guys feel about putting the patties in zip lock freezer bags instead of vacuum sealing. I’ve always vacuum sealed them in the past with 4 in a bag but thinking about saving some time and just doing zip locks. They’ll be eaten within a years time.
How do you guys feel about putting the patties in zip lock freezer bags instead of vacuum sealing. I’ve always vacuum sealed them in the past with 4 in a bag but thinking about saving some time and just doing zip locks. They’ll be eaten within a years time.

We buy a lot of bulk meat due to our location and logistics getting resupply. I would not recommend ziplocks for a year. With the effort it takes to make a good product, it’s worth it to vacuum seal.
How do you guys feel about putting the patties in zip lock freezer bags instead of vacuum sealing. I’ve always vacuum sealed them in the past with 4 in a bag but thinking about saving some time and just doing zip locks. They’ll be eaten within a years time.

I do exactly what your saying, 8 to a bag. Had trouble with fitting that many in a vac bags, and then they smash the crap out of your pattys.

They do build up some ice over time.

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