Beef and pork fat sources

If you have a local restaurant that cuts their own steaks you can ask the chef to save the fat for you. I am lucky enough to know a few local restaurant kitchen managers that do that for me in exchange for some treats when the processing is done. Most places toss the stuff.
If you have a local restaurant that cuts their own steaks you can ask the chef to save the fat for you. I am lucky enough to know a few local restaurant kitchen managers that do that for me in exchange for some treats when the processing is done. Most places toss the stuff.
It's in such damand here that the butchers get anywhere from 2.50 to 3 a pound for it and sometimes will even run out in the fall.
It's pretty easy to render fat from deer. When I make bone broth I throw all pieces of fat into the pressure cookers along with the bones and bits. After the broth has cooked let it cool outside until cold and you'll have a solid hunk of rendered deer fat on top of broth. I clean it after, sometimes twice in order to remove all broth etc. It's hard fat and not the best for frying food but it makes awesome soap! It also adds well to burger etc.
If you have any large Asian grocery stores in the area, check them out. They do a lot of their own butchering, usually onsite, and I can almost always get both at several of them. Given, this is the Seattle area with large Asian populations.
I smoke a beef brisket every month or two and save the excess fat that gets trimmed away prior to cooking. I get 2-3 lbs of fat each time and accumulate enough throughout the year to supply my wild game processing needs.
This is one way. Other than that I have a local grocery store(Brookshires) that’ll sell fat by the pound. I usually have to wait a day or two for it.
If you have a local restaurant that cuts their own steaks you can ask the chef to save the fat for you. I am lucky enough to know a few local restaurant kitchen managers that do that for me in exchange for some treats when the processing is done. Most places toss the stuff.
@YelojktBob…do you still have the Badlands Gear available? I’m interested but I’m a new member and can’t post in classifieds yet. Let me know what pieces you have left. Thanks.
It's also important where on the animal the fat is coming from....... better cuts are 'living high on the hog" so to speak
Well back in the days I used to get fat from my friend's restaurant. He had his own steak house and pretty much used to cut their own steaks so yeah it actually was a pretty feasible and good option. So if you can arrange a local restaurant kitchen manager for this task then that will be really great.
Check in with local bbq shacks. If they do a quantity of brisket, they have lots of beef fat probably. Most trim them up before smoking.

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Butcher shop right down the road from my house. I get it from them. They grind theirs so it is really handy.

They know I want it every year so they make sure they have enough for me. First year I went in right after the season and they were using it all, wouldn't sell it to me. If you are going to deal with a small butcher, go in now and tell them you want it for next year.

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Any chain grocery store that has a butcher can save the fat they cut of their ribeyes. When I have meat to grind I just call stater bros. in the morning and ask them to save their trimmings. They usually just throw them out so they charge me .80 cents per pound. Also did this in Alaska at a Fred Meyer grocery store after a dall sheep hunt.
I usually try and find someone who will be butchering hogs and grab some fat from them, otherwise I buy some pork butt from Costco or Sam's