Bear meat recipes

Feb 8, 2018
Looking for what to do with black bear meat if I get one in SE alaska this may. Leaning more towards like summer sausage or breakfast sausage or anything ground. Anything that you guys have tried and loved, let me know.
I don't think that you could go wrong with summer sausage or breakfast sausage, something like that. Hi Country makes some really good sausage mixes I think that you would enjoy. I sure do although I have not yet done bear with it personally. I was given some sausage from bear that was delicious.

I've had bear steaks and those were fantastic eating too! When I got my grizzly bear in Alaska in 2019 I had made sure before I went on my hunt to prepare my guide so that he would have what we needed for bear steaks because we were going to have bear steaks at our spike camp period! He was tickled to death to comply as he has always wanted to eat grizzly bear but had not done so yet. I cut a portion of the backstrap off and we hung it on willows by our camp for a couple days for it to cool and age slightly. I sliced it up into steaks and he rolled it in flour and seasoned it with salt and pepper and cooked it in a cast iron skillet in butter. It was delicious. If I get another bear I will make sausages of a couple different flavors and certainly on the backstraps, tenderloins, and best hind quarter cuts I will make steaks out of them. My grizzly bear was really good eating. I was sad that I was unable to bring a good portion of the meat home with me.
I make a lot of Bolognese with ground bear. However, bear meat makes for a far better stew than venison. Don't sell yourself short on grinding everything.
Bear grind is awesome for tacos and chili, etc. Much better than beef, in my opinion. As stated above, roasts are also great for any beef or venison recipe. We usually keep about 20-30 pounds for summer sausage to use in sandwiches throughout the year.
We eat it ever way we eat whitetail….burger, roasts, steaks, smoked, etc. We prefer VA Black Bear over whitetail. We’ve also canned it with great results.

God Bless.
My friend did summer sausage sticks. Very good.

I'm cheaper. We cook all of our bear in an instant pot. That removes any worry about rare meat and parasite. After being cooked in the insta pot it's falling apart. We dice it up like BBQ and use it for sandwiches. Or we throw it in stews, chili or anything else where BBQ meat or ground beef would be appropriate.

I'm sure steaks would be good from a bear that wasn't eating a ton of fish or garbage. I fried some in butter once sort of like bacon. That was tasty but again I was stressed over making sure little peice stayed raw. Not something I worry about with moose or caribou.
Bear is probably 80% of the meat iv consumed over the last couple years and I like crocpot roasts/taco meat, canned, ground for meatballs and summer sausage. It's a great filler meat

This will become a favorite of yours, and anyone you serve it to.
I process, cook, and eat black bear meat the same way that I do deer, antelope, elk, and moose. They all taste good, altough some are tougher than others.
Made a ham over thanksgiving using one of Rinella's cookbook recipes. Turned out pretty great. Brined for 2-3 days, smoked for ~8 hours, sliced and served with course ground mustard. Prep time takes a while, but it sure is easy when butchering to just leave one whole leg as is.
My friend did summer sausage sticks. Very good.

I'm cheaper. We cook all of our bear in an instant pot. That removes any worry about rare meat and parasite. After being cooked in the insta pot it's falling apart. We dice it up like BBQ and use it for sandwiches. Or we throw it in stews, chili or anything else where BBQ meat or ground beef would be appropriate.

I'm sure steaks would be good from a bear that wasn't eating a ton of fish or garbage. I fried some in butter once sort of like bacon. That was tasty but again I was stressed over making sure little peice stayed raw. Not something I worry about with moose or caribou.
I’ve read in a few places online that Instapot is a really good method. Looking forward to trying that. I have some bear roasts left over from last year. We held off on the roasts b/c my wife was pregnant (we erred on the side of doing more burger than not, and saved the roast til now). We’ve loved having it as a “filler” meat like others mentioned, even if it’s been mainly burger.
I agree most of the time bear meat is amazing, probably my favorite game meat and I have eaten it all. The only caveat I would say is coastal black bears here in Alaska. While they still taste good, their meat has a slight fishiness to it, which is kind of off-putting to me personally. They spend a lot of time combing the beach eating mussels and sea grass. I had breakfast sausage and jalapeño cheddar snack sticks made out of the one I killed out of Prince William Sound and it took care of any fishiness and tastes great.