Be happy with what you get whitetail hunters. You can't put antlers in a crock pot.


Jan 1, 2017
I usually shoot culls and leave the more impressive racks for my buddies as I don’t hunt for the trophy. I enjoy being out there away from it all, the camaraderie amongst buddies, watching the wildlife and of course meat in the freezer. I’ve already passed on a few very nice bucks this season. I am always appreciative just to be out there.


Aug 31, 2019
Since I swapped to bow only. I’m shooting the first legal deer in bow range. I’ve managed to come up with a deer heart/inner loin recipe that is far more important than the head gear.


Aug 10, 2022
I hunt for meat also.
The euro in my avatar is a nine I got last Dec in a late season holiday hunt newly offered in NY.
One of six bucks I’ve taken in my hunting experience.
This season on opening day I was sitting on the edge of a cut corn field. The corn was cut high, almost waist high, which I thought unusual.
At first light I saw movement through the corn.
I thought was a coyote, as I could only see the top of its back and head,but turned out to be a doe.
The corn was so high and she was in a little depression that she appeared to be smaller at first.
I could not get a good shot at her and she left into the corner of the woods.
A short time later I see movement coming form the woods and my first thought was the doe returning.
It turned out to be a nice, but small, six point who was scent trailing the doe back to where she came from.
He trailed her up to about where I was sitting in the edge of brush when he turned and headed right towards me.
He walked right at me up to about 15 yards.
I could have thrown a bullet at him and hit him.
He turned and walked back down the field and past me until he got into my scent stream.
Once he hit my scent he looked up and straight at me blew a few times and bolted.
Could have had some nice eating but decided to let him pass.
I’ve seen nothing since which could end up being my mistake.
But great experience none the less!