Basemap Struggles...


Jul 18, 2016
Upper Michigan
I've been a loyal Basemap supporter for more than a few years now. Converted a couple diehard OnX users over, too. But as of late I've really been struggling with it. I do a lot of computer work so I can use the full screen and when I zoom in or out the layers aren't following or they're extremely slow to load. With the Montana elk unit layer I have to turn it off then back on to get it to appear. Just a mess in general. Is anybody else struggling with it like me? I've tried Firefox, Edge, Chrome....all the same issue. Maybe time to start shopping around again because this is painful.
I've been experiencing the same challenge and not able to find resolution yet. This seems like it started last fall and worked fine prior to that.
I use onx, basemap and gohunt maps for different reasons. Ive used basemap most of the last few years - but while I prefer the interface, theres just too many bugs at this point and Ive moved back to onx - which isnt perfect. I just wish onx would do their line distance like basemap does. Click on 1 point and the line is 'live' while measuring, giving a real time readout wherever you move the line. Makes it much easier to get multiple distances, faster. With onx and gohunt, you have to touch 2 point and then it tells you the distance. I prefer basemaps interface, and they way they do their layers. But beyond that onx seems to be the one that does most things well enough out of those 3.
I don’t trust BaseMaps use of the smartphone or rangefinder electronic compass. There is no way to correct or compensate compass azimuth errors.