I totally agree, I'd love to see the raw data.
People (outside of the bubble of the internet) often ask me about rifle cleaning. I tell them there is no consensus.
In PRS, I know or know of top shooters who clean between individual days of matches (like Francis Colon and Chad Heckler), and I know of top shooters who put on a barrel, shoot it out, and put on a new one (like Vibbert). Both have been quite successful. I think in the Houston Warehouse writeup they would clean, shoot a fouler, shoot a five shot group, and clean.
I'm familiar with Form's take and Ryan's take. And I'm familiar with Frank Green and the Hornady guys take (include Miles who initiated the group testing research on his own I believe).
I want to have my own opinions and not have to share other people's so much. I'm 764 rounds into carefully controlling my loads on my current 6 Dasher barrel and documenting 20 round groups and chrono data between matches. It's an N of 1 (as any individual barrel is) but I'm interested to see how it goes. Maybe I'll start a thread to share results one day.