California had some 3 point or better zones several decades back. In the zones I hunted back then (much higher deer populations back then), those 3 point or better zones, I ran across way to many dead and left very large antlered 2x2 bucks. Unfortunately guys would typically jump these bucks and see their large antlers, and rush a shot before the buck was gone. The result back then was a kill rate significantly over the intended harvest number for these zones.
So, in my experience, I am not a beliver in antler restrictions changing. Furthermore, in California, the population decline we have seen since the 60s, was not a true population decline, as the population increase was due to artifical means. What I mean is that just prior to the 60s, land management practices were very diff3than they are now, and those land management practices directly resulted in significant increases in deer populations. Back then, land was being opened up (ranching, farming, timber harvesting) in ways that directly benefited our deer populations by providing much more conducive habitat, feed...
Since those regulations have been changed, restrictions.... our deer heard populations have decreased to prior historical population numbers and are now considered stable (for the most part)
Lastly, if your simply looking for increased anteler growth, there are plenty of resources on that subject matter, including here on rokslide, podcasts...