Bad ass... diaper bag?

Jun 4, 2019
Hey guys,
The wife and I are expecting our first child this spring! With that being said... I don’t want tote around a boring diaper bag, so I’m looking for some suggestions on cool/quality bags or backpacks that I can use as a diaper bag. Maybe I’m screwed and have to resort to something my wife picks out... but I figured y’all would be my best bet to bail me out!
Thanks in advance guys/gals!
Congrats and +1 save ur money and just use whatever. It's going to be covered with spit up, slobber, dried milk, destin, ect. By the second kid we just reused plastic shopping bags.

Diaper bags are like your 1st backpacking hunt gonna put way more stuff in there than you actually need. But you will figure it out...what if ways a ton, experience ways nothing. Good Luck!
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Yup, you too can look hipster and badass

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.
How about a hybrid approach. Let your wife pick a bag she wants. She can use it when it's just her. And you have a bag for when it's just you or maybe both of you. To whatever extent possible, stock both bags identically to minimize having to move items back and fort. Sure it's an additional expense. Get a small Kifaru and customize it yourself as necessary or have the dude on here that makes custom bags customize it/make addons/etc. Then post pics of Mom's bag and yours.
Depending on your budget, I’d go with a Direct Action Dust on the less expensive end and a Kifaru Urban Zippy on the more expensive end. Water bottle pockets are a must. Tons of organizational capability on the Dust for wipes, pacifiers, snacks, diapers, baby fak. A little less on the UZ, but it will carry more clothing changes and if you’re smart a clean top for your wife and a blanket. Both rock solid and will transition to dad packs and eventually awesome edc packs.
In all seriousness I’d look at Camofire, they have some good Sitka bags for cheap usually, a good size for a travel bag around 1/2 off usually. I think Sitka gear is usually listed on Saturday

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.
How about a hybrid approach. Let your wife pick a bag she wants. She can use it when it's just her. And you have a bag for when it's just you or maybe both of you. To whatever extent possible, stock both bags identically to minimize having to move items back and fort. Sure it's an additional expense. Get a small Kifaru and customize it yourself as necessary or have the dude on here that makes custom bags customize it/make addons/etc. Then post pics of Mom's bag and yours.
Kinda my line of thought, she has hers I have mine. My job allows me quite a bit of time at home so I figure my own bag sounds like a good move.
PLUS- who doesn’t need another pack??
Here you go

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I used this with all three of my kids. Worked good.


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A decent backpack is the way to go. Something can can be wiped down or washed easily. Have a set spot in it for everything so you're not looking for things in a panic.
Adjustable straps so you and the Mrs. Can both wear it comfortably.
I'm not a tacticool guy, if you are there's options out there, obviously pick your battles.
Now for some unsolicited advice: the pacifiers with a little stuffed animal attached is awesome.
Babies and parents can find it easier and is more difficult to fall all the way to the ground.
If you plan on breastfeeding and it's not working out, there is NO shame is using formula. A woman's ability to produce milk is not indicative of her value as a mother. This was a struggle for us.
As silly as it sounds, a breastfeeding consultant did wonders. We got some awful advice from hospital.
If feeding isn't going well, look into if your baby is tongue tied. You may need to travel to find someone to address it but it changed things overnight for us. The hospital wouldn't admit it's a condition that exists.
Finally, don't let anyone tell you there is one way to handle any issue. People love giving advice and trying to tell you how to raise your kid...ehhm

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With our first I got a new backpack but after maybe 6 months abandoned that in favor of just using my wife's bag. It was a PIA to keep two bags stocked with snacks, wipes, diapers that were the right size, extra clothes that were the right size, toys, etc. With the second I just used my wife's bag from the get go. Luckily her taste in diaper bags isn't ultra bright or flowery. Good unsolicited advice from Nate above.
Congrats take a look at SOE diaper bag.

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Lol i just found a use for my badlands scout pack when our son was born. It was sitting unused in the closet so i figured wth. Congratulations on the baby.
I made sure to buy my wife a bag made of old recycled sails. She had been looking at them for years but never ponied up the cash since we were on a saving streak.

Made it a gift, got to choose the colour, got a bunch of brownie points. We had a bag that was always packed, she was happy with and I wasnt embarrassed by it. Win, win, win.

My advice, make sure its light colour inside, makes it easier to see stuff. Make sure it's big and then dont stuff it full. It'll make it easier to find stuff when there is a poop covered squalling baby that you are trying to help.

2nd what Nate said. It's a dirty little secret of babies, but breast feeding isnt always 100% easy, or natural. On night #2 when the infant is screaming for food. Just give them formula. Fed is Best.

Embrace it! It's an awesome ride!!!


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