Here are my favorites from my short but sweet backpacking season this August in the Yukon. Three weeks, three brothers (two bros and brother in law), three rams.
Scouting the area end of July
Double headed ram? Both were legal as well!
Got drawn for a neat zone and connected on a 10 year old ram while hunting with my wife.
Giving my ram a bit of a bath. I am 6'6 and this picture always seems weird but awesome to me.
Went out with my brother to a different range. No sheep but beautiful country
I started the year off with a spring bear hunt with my dad. Turned out to be a little early in the year, so we got to see a lot of snow and not much bear
This picture was taken in a very black and white world. That's snow coming down, and not dust on my lens
Sheep scouting was down right pleasant by comparison.
While following an ancient trail along a high alpine lake shore, we stopped to cook dinner and watch some rams through the spotter. As we boiled water we realized that our stove was sitting in an old fire ring that was barely sticking out of the moss. It was old... like pre-date europeans in Alaska type old.
I know I can't compare to most of the rest of you guys, but I'll share a few pics from the one backpack trip I was able to make this year. I went solo, so the pics are mostly scenery. There are some of the basins that I wanted to hunt for deer, but by deer season we had an early snow, and these basins where not accessible. I ran into some goats, and got some poor pics of them. And there is a pic of my pack next to the first water I was able to find, on day 2. Finally, the last pic is a meadow where I camped. Note the elk wallow in the far left of the pic. I was camped on the far right in the pic. It turns out that camping on a wallow, during the elk rut, is a bad idea. At 1 a.m., on the first night, I had to get up and yell at the elk, because with all the bugling, fighting, and splashing around, I couldn't sleep. It was a really cool experience having elk fighting and bugling right next to my tent though.
Great pictures guys!!
Here are some pictures from the Cabinet Mountains wilderness in N.W. Montana this fall. I went with my buddy on a goat hunt. No goat this trip but had a lot of fun.
just a quick aside from the topic because its obvious this thread is getting read by the people i want answers from, how do you guys gain that awesome depth to your photos? is it the camera, editing, the settings?