2022 Best Mule Deer Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Kryptek

Hunting with my younger brother and a good friend of ours with a tag I waited 4 years to draw - we hiked 14 miles that day, and I was carrying the .270 I inherited from my grandpa. All of that work resulted in my first ever mule deer.


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    SD Mule Deer.jpg
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2022 Utah LE buck. Shot him in the shoulder Wednesday the 23rd, stayed relentless and was able to finish the task Friday the 25th after following him for just over 2 miles.

Thankful Utah offers restricted weapon hunts like the HAMS for us that don't mind upping ante.

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Hey WKRs and not-so WKRs.

Contest is looking good.

Deadline to enter for 2022 is December 10th, so get them in.

if your harvest after that, you’ll have to wait for the 2023 contest to go live in July.

And by the way, if your entry disappeared, you broke the rules. I’ve hand held for 6+ years on this now, so we’re deleting ineligible entries with no notice. We don’t have time to track you down to fix it.

But! You can reenter an eligible photo by Dec 10.
