Backcountry side arm

Anyone that wants to laugh feel free to laugh yourself silly. I like being strapped. Nobody f _ _ ks with the guy wearing a .44 on his belt and at 28ozs (S&W 329PD sans ammo) the weight is not an issue for me. You can think up all kinds of reasons NOT to carry and that's fine however, that one instance where a handgun is the difference between a decent fight and getting outright creamed will undoubtedly occur when you are not prepared for it. Luck occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Besides, carrying a handgun (for some of us) is a daily habit and little more than another item on your a wallet or a watch. It's okay to be the guy who enjoys being armed. Who knows, maybe some day you'll walk up on a guy being attacked and save his life by packing a pistol. Who cares if that same guy laughed at you. It's a risk either way...I respect the guy who doesn't carry as that's his choice and he accepts the risk. Just not my choice.

Anyone that wants to laugh feel free to laugh yourself silly. I like being strapped. Nobody f _ _ ks with the guy wearing a .44 on his belt and at 28ozs (S&W 329PD sans ammo) the weight is not an issue for me. You can think up all kinds of reasons NOT to carry and that's fine however, that one instance where a handgun is the difference between a decent fight and getting outright creamed will undoubtedly occur when you are not prepared for it. Luck occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Besides, carrying a handgun (for some of us) is a daily habit and little more than another item on your a wallet or a watch. It's okay to be the guy who enjoys being armed. Who knows, maybe some day you'll walk up on a guy being attacked and save his life by packing a pistol. Who cares if that same guy laughed at you. It's a risk either way...I respect the guy who doesn't carry as that's his choice and he accepts the risk. Just not my choice.

Isn't that a pic of the trip you shot me full of holes Bruce?
Awesome purchase. I carry everywhere I go, all the time. When I'm outside I have a diamond d chest holster with my f-comp. Whenever I take the family to kootenai falls (Which is often) I always get lots of looks from the hippies and yuppies. It makes my wife laugh.
+1 for the Taurus Judge. All it takes is having a rattler swim at you while you're in a float tube to realize the value of bird/snake shot. That coupled with suitability of 45 LC for bear makes it a western sportsman's dream, in my opinion.
If you carry a .357 you better load it with some hot loads. The average .357 load is not enough for black bear and not even legal in Colorado to use in hunting. Good luck with a charging bear which is the only time you'd use it for protection.
If you carry a .357 you better load it with some hot loads. The average .357 load is not enough for black bear and not even legal in Colorado to use in hunting. Good luck with a charging bear which is the only time you'd use it for protection.

that simply is not true. a 357 is legal in colorado with the right ammo. as far as it not being enough to take down a black bear that is just laughable. i have shot a couple black bears with my duty weapon when i was in that business... and the couple i had to shoot dropped like a rock. using a 40 cal load with less energy than the .357. just a ton of bad info here (shocker i know,,,,bad info on the internet...crazy right)

ok i do see where you said average load) i guess it depends what you say an average load is. i would argue that most over the counter cartridges with expanding bullets sold in 357 are legal in most 4-6 inch weapons
that simply is not true. a 357 is legal in colorado with the right ammo. as far as it not being enough to take down a black bear that is just laughable. i have shot a couple black bears with my duty weapon when i was in that business... and the couple i had to shoot dropped like a rock. using a 40 cal load with less energy than the .357. just a ton of bad info here (shocker i know,,,,bad info on the internet...crazy right)

ok i do see where you said average load) i guess it depends what you say an average load is. i would argue that most over the counter cartridges with expanding bullets sold in 357 are legal in most 4-6 inch weapons

shit i am wrong...just pulled up load were right...probably takes a hot load to make a 357 hit that 550 ft lbs at 50 yard mark....especially out of a 4 inch barrel guilty as charged
If you look at the ballistics of over the counter .357 ammo you see it doesn't meet the Colorado minimum for hunting. I have a bud who's a handgun bear hunter in a state with more slack laws. he shot a good size black with 3 .357 lads and never recovered the bear.

If you use BB, double tap etc ammo you can get the .357 legal. However, that's for hunting with more controlled shots. For a charging bear i'd want more.

If you're carrying a sidearm you're worried about attacks. Why not use a gun that will stop a charging bear? No concern of mine. It's your life.

edit......You posted while I was typing. Glad you looked it up.
The 44 Special and the 41 Mag only make sense when if they're chambered in a 357 sized gun. Unfortunately, most 41 Mags and 44 Specials are on 44 frame guns. In that case you may as well go with 44 Mag. The 44 Special also requires handloading. Factory 44 Special ammo has no place in the woods.

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Bar, so i cannot remember when they standardize load data for handguns do they use a 4 inch barrel? I know most rifles calibers are tested with a 24" barrel. not sure what the standard is with handguns.
Bar, so i cannot remember when they standardize load data for handguns do they use a 4 inch barrel? I know most rifles calibers are tested with a 24" barrel. not sure what the standard is with handguns.

I'm really not sure. I've never paid much attention to handguns until a few years ago I wanted to try handgun hunting. I messed with it a bit, but ended up sell the gun and going back to a muzzleloader.
This year I am going to carry a SIG 1911 in 10mm. Heavy, but I am dead accurate with it and follow up shots are quick. I figure if it hasn't been stopped in 7-8 rounds then it was my time anyway :)
Remington has come out with a short barrel 12ga shotgun, the TAC-14 (Model 870 Tac-14 | Remington ).

View attachment 53065

It will be heavier than a handgun but the benefits of slugs and shot in a convenient package makes it worth a look I think. Also, easier to use and hit with when your adrenaline is coursing through your veins and your fine motor control goes out the window.

Just a thought,
