Backcountry side arm

I'm a 357 guy. I own many, but my advice is: buy what you are comfortable shooting. Buffalo bore sells outdoorsman ammo for 9mm, which has killed grizzly. A 9mm with 17 rounds that you have a chance of getting on target is better than a miss with a s&w 500. Those are the two extremes, just to make a point. All the fun in the world isn't worth a hoot if you can't shoot it. Another note is size, a hand Cannon in the truck is worthless because you never want to carry it. I have a custom run s&w f-comp 3 inch model 66 in a diamond d guide holster. I carry that thing ever where, I do get a couple of looks in town point being, the gun you are willing to carry is better than the one in your truck....any day. I like big guns, but I carry a 357 because I shoot it great and I can get back on target fast.

Good luck.
I don't plan on carrying where I'm going but this is somewhat relatable...has anyone bought a conversion for their 1911 .45 to make it a .460 Rowland and is that an acceptable backcountry carry caliber? I think it'd be fun to play with and if I chose a unit in the future if I needed a carry curious if that'd work?
I just picked up a Glock G40(10 mm 6" barrel). I like the idea of having more than 5 or 6 rounds.
I carry a S&W 329PD in .44 Mag with a 4" barrel. Its their ultralight version, with scandium frame and titanium cylinder. Lighter than a .357 with more punch. I shoot Buffalo Bore 305gr core cast bullets, which will put the hurt on anything. It bucks, but not designed to be a gun you shoot all day every day at the range. It is a great backcountry carry option.

I carry the same revolver and BB ammo. You get what you pay for. When ya carry a gun every day, you rethink the price vs comfort once, cry once. Snake shot is unnecessary and stupid. Leave em be or kill with a rock. No need for a gun blast.
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My SW 357mag in K frame is on my pack hip belt. Have a 41mag in N frame but its heavier.
UDAP bear spray is next to the 357mag.

A few years back, solo archery hunting in NW Montana, moseying quietly down a game trail came around a bend...and GRIZZ!!
It huffed, growled and in an instant started for me. Head low, Ears back, its eyes fixated on me. Burst of spray stopped it in its tracks at less than 30 feet, turned and off down the hill it went, snorting, shaking its big head. The Bear stopped 40 yards down and rolled its head on the ground. Then disappeared into the firs.
That Beast looked as big as a VW Bug. I believe that spray saved my life.

After stopping my shakes, Back to the main trail I went. My pants weren't wet from the morning dew either.
BTW: never went back to that region & drainage in MT again.

I'd recommend if in bear country, carry both spray and pistol. Use spray first, if needed gun 2nd...and a prayer last.
Now a magnum size bear spray is on my left pack belt, the magnum pistol on the right.
I've been carrying a Glock G20 now for about 8 years.......year round. When I'm hunting, the only time I even consciously recognize that it's there is when I'm putting my pack on or taking it off.
I own many of the revolvers and semi's that have been mentioned.... when I'm hunting brown bear country I carry spray and a snubby S&W 44, but if I only had to pick one it would be the spray. When I'm in cat/blackbear/coyote country I more often than not carry a glock 9mm or 40. I don't carry a gun (outside of brown bear country) for four legged predators though, just the two legged kind. I used to carry a sp101 but after carrying a glock every other day of the year I just gravitate toward the ergonomics, fit and weight. I love my .357 ruger but it is bulkier and sits further out on my hip. If you wanted a universal, economic do all backcountry handgun a glock 10mm would be tough to beat. S&W's are the cream of the crop for well-crafted revolvers but they also come with a price tag that reflects that....
I carry 357sig with Lehigh bullets. Killed a couple 250-325 hogs with them, I have no second guesses using them in something larger.

Sig p320 carry
The OP wants the option of birdshot. Not sure if it's even made in any semiauto cartridges. Seems like there would be a cycling issue. mtmuley
Yeah, I think it has to be a revolver to shoot birdshot I believe, but all of these posts are really helpful. The guy at the gunshot recommended a 44 special, but I just don't know if it will have the knockdown power from 20 yards. I'm hoping I never need it closer than that on a bear or hog haha.

The 44 mags seem darn heavy though.

I carry an S&W 380 bodyguard everyday. But that isn't gonna cut it. I live in KY, so most of the time we are talking coyotes and maybe black bear, but I want to buy one gun for any adventure I might find myself in.

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i have a329 pd and s&w's scandium frame 357 the size of a snubby 38 (cant remember model) which weighs mere ounces- i also just got a springfield xdm 3.8 and a 460 Rowland conversion- big power and more rounds faster. i got 2aholsters litepath chest rig for the 329 and 460 xdm.
i would carry the two bigger guns in big bear country and the 357 everywhere else.
I've carried many different pistols in the field and it depends where I'm at... .45ACP, 44Mag, .460 S&W, 45LC, and a few more.

A Taurus Judge will give you a lot of versatility with a low price tag. I shot a whole box of the 45LC+P in ione without any issues, although I'm not sure if that is recommended or not. If you carried one of those, you could throw in a few shotshells or some buckshot. Obviously, its not the greatest or most effective piece of hardware out there but it would shoot hardcast +P bullets and shotshells with more payload than a CCI shotshell.
I agree, a judge is a good option. I don't own one so can't speak to it. Seems like good versatility if you are worried about snakes aswell. Atleast you will get a decent payload of BBs with 410 vs something like a shotshell round of regular ammo.
The OP wants the option of birdshot. Not sure if it's even made in any semiauto cartridges. Seems like there would be a cycling issue. mtmuley

I have seen it in CCI for 9mm and 45 ACP but only shot the 45 rounds and it cycled ok for me trough a kimber 1911. My buddy said he couldn't get it to cycle reliably through his Taurus 9mm. I think I just got lucky and expected an FTF but just didn't happen to get one. Good luck finding that ammo anyways, haven't seen it in a few years.

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