My spyderco PM2 never leaves my side. It does everything really well, but it’s a cutter if your into prying with knives (ugh) get a different knife. It’s light, stays sharp, has great grip wet or dry, and is buttery smooth. Only knifes I’ve ever used that had a smoother action was a Sabenza
I have EDC'd a pocket knife every day of my life since elementary school. It was normal for a boy to carry a pocket knife in those days. I have gone through a ridiculous selection of knives over the years. I am on my third Victorinox Tinker now. I put it away for a while and try something new, but I always come back to it. In my pack I always have a Leatherman and a Mora fixed blade. If I'm on a hunt I have an Outdoor Edge with extra blades in my kill kit. Got a Tyto fixed blade for Christmas last year, but have not had the opportunity to use it yet.
My teacher's borrowed my knife in school. Forgetting a rifle was hanging in the rack of the truck would result in being asked to put it behind the seat, not expulsion. Nobody was ever hurt by any of it. Different days for sure, I miss them!
I edc a variety of folders, but decided to go with only fixed blades for the back country. I carry a 4" bark river ext1 on my belt, fallkniven s1 pro in my pack, and a cold steel bird and game in my bino harness. They're all useful in their roles, but could flex into another role without worry of breakage. I've had too many knives get yanked out of my pocket snagging the clip, and I've never been a fan of stuff in my pockets while hiking.