AZ game and fish paying influencers

Randy Newburg was in my neck of the woods hunting once or twice then he went online and blabbed about the unit and showed local landmarks. Quit a few non res hunters I’ve encountered have said Randy told them places to hunt, so multiply that by a bunch. I wish he would just take people to his home town and tell them his local honey holes and when he draws a covered tag or buys a landowner tag he would go hunt and film then STFU !
Wolves being re-listed.
Active campaigns to end hunting in Oregon.
EHD outbreaks.
Trapping closures
Ammo restrictions.
Fire closures shutting down full seasons.
Plus many more i am not thinking of.

Good plan, let’s ignore that stuff and instead go after the Randy Newburg team who are a great voice for hunting and conservation or Meateater as well for being too “cool” or “woke”.

None of these advocates or voices are perfect, but of you only want to support and partner with folks that think and act just like you, have fun sitting in a room by yourself.

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Talking about this topic (opportunity loss in AZ) does not prevent someone from also addressing other issues. This is only 1 of many difficult conversations we need to have.
Talking about this topic (opportunity loss in AZ) does not prevent someone from also addressing other issues. This is only 1 of many difficult conversations we need to have.
Agreed, these were sportsmans dollars being spent by the agency. It’s very fair for Arizonans to question how the money is being spent. Could these dollars have been spent on habitat projects or something else to enhance wildlife? Clearly Arizona has already done a fine job marketing what the state has and demand for it when you look at the number of points people have and are waiting to come hunt
Humans being humans I guess. Well...except for the beurocrats, they definitely not human. I can't recall any government agency ever being able to balance a check book. What I see is government doing less with more resources. Ie, now there's assistants to assistants. 4 or 5 doing what used to take 3 and should be done with 1 possibly 2.
I completely disagree with states advertising. I also disagree with states paying people to hunt. Always have always will. Money is not what's needed.

Can't blame the folks getting the contracts for snatching ahold of opportunities. Not sure I buy the motives being sold.
Fairly tough for me to wrap my head around some of this.
I don't get why they single out Randy in this; it is what he does for a living. If you could get a extra money doing your job wouldn't you?
I don't get why they single out Randy in this; it is what he does for a living. If you could get a extra money doing your job wouldn't you?
No one is faulting Randy for doing his job. He is named because he is the influencer that AZGFD contracted with to promote OTC archery deer and other opportunities. We asked AZGFD to stop this promotion and we included Randy in that request. I shared with him why I felt like this particular effort contradicted his stated why. Ultimately one outcome that might be attributed to this effort, although I believe unintended, was the reduction of opportunity for both resident and non-resident archery deer hunters.

Randy said he felt this was no longer an effort he should continue and has dropped out of the contract with AZGFD. Additionally AZGFD has also determined this was no longer a wise use of resources based on public feedback and the deer populations and has also decided to no longer pay influencers for this promotion.