AZ game and fish paying influencers

No question that's a possibility. They might even be doing great conservation work, increasing game populations, and improving hunter access.

But at what point does resident opportunity decrease to the point where people get sick of it? It happened here in Idaho. It seemed like residents made it known to the department that opportunity was a problem and out of state hunters were a contributor. Spending money to advertise to every Jim Bob and Larry in Pennsylvania to come try their hand at an OTC elk tag is suspect.
It seems like pretty simple math. Take their annual budget and divide it by resident licenses and resident tag applications. That tells you what it will cost to have the state’s game resources to yourself. If residents aren’t will to pay that amount then they need to attract NRs to offset the cost. I also find it funny that you say “it isn’t about Randy” but then you say “specifically Randy” in your OP. So…
It seems like pretty simple math. Take their annual budget and divide it by resident licenses and resident tag applications. That tells you what it will cost to have the state’s game resources to yourself. If residents aren’t will to pay that amount then they need to attract NRs to offset the cost. I also find it funny that you say “it isn’t about Randy” but then you say “specifically Randy” in your OP. So…
Careful reading would also reveal that I said very clearly in the post that I had nothing to do with the petition and didn't sign yeah, I can state very clearly that it isn't about Randy. So....
The issue with Arizona is we have a very fragile and arid environment. Drought has decimated the mule deer herd and have been struggling for decades. Before social media, the OTC hunts were usually held in check and since YouTube wasn’t around to promote, NR hunters didn’t make up a large percentage and the impacts were negligible.

Now with social media promoting the OTC hunts, it’s added more pressure than ever before. Coupled with an ongoing drought, habitat loss and a state population exceeding 7 million and growing by the thousands every month, it’s only inevitable that the OTC hunts will be eliminated here soon. The fact that Arizona offers unlimited OTC tags for mule deer is mind boggling.

Now I, nor the residents of Arizona are naive. Because of what I mentioned above, the loss of OTC hunts would have happened anyways, but at a much slower pace. Unfortunately, this social media blitz shortened the time frame by many years.

The campaign will defend that they never promoted mule deer hunting. Only Coues. Well, 90% of the OTC hunts say….”any antlered deer”. Its an unintended consequence.

The Department will defend this campaign under the guise of wanting to sell out the rest of the javelina tags and promote small game hunting. Promote Arizona hunting? Really? Has Anyone looked at the record books? Trophy animals galore. Winter temps in the desert chasing quail? Snowbirds figured this out decades ago.

Arizona hunting promotes itself.

The damage is done.
Careful reading would also reveal that I said very clearly in the post that I had nothing to do with the petition and didn't sign yeah, I can state very clearly that it isn't about Randy. So....
But at what point does resident opportunity decrease to the point where people get sick of it? It happened here in Idaho. It seemed like residents made it known to the department that opportunity was a problem and out of state hunters were a contributor. Spending money to advertise to every Jim Bob and Larry in Pennsylvania to come try their hand at an OTC elk tag is suspect.

You say you’re not in agreement with the AZ petition. But then you say it happened in ID and that you don’t support spending money to advertise to NR to come hunt elk there. So my comment about the budget is relevant to the AZ petition and your stance on ID…
Also somewhat surprised Newberg would take that check from a state agency. He's public about being a CPA and had to know that paper trail would make it out into public knowledge. It's not hard to imagine people not being on board with their state game and fish agency cutting checks to youtubers.

Yes, agreed. I don't care if it's Randy or Ted Nugent. It's not about Randy. It's about the money spent on ads that end up bringing half of Texas to hunt unlimited otc tags.

And good point on the method. Maybe youtube and netflix is bringing way more eyeballs to otc deer and elk than they anticipated.
Seems like you do have an unfavorable opinion of Randy’s business and the state advertising to NRs… it’s ok if you do it just seems like you’re defending a petition that you supposedly don’t agree with.
No problem here at all with Randy’s explanation. I wish azgtd hadnt done it, but if not him it would have been someone else.

Azgfd needs to rethink the management of the otc to bring back some resident opportunity. The first step when harvest exceeds 20% should be limiting non residents in December/January. I suspect that would be plenty to get back under 20%. Second step should be an antler point restriction for residents in December. As a resident I’m already self limiting my harvest in January because it sucks to be out of the draw and the august/December hunts. In December a lot of residents will drop a small buck because we know our next tag starts Jan 1, make us let the babies pass. If all that fails to hold it below 20% put the unit in the draw.
Here comes the conspiracy theories

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Haha, no conspiracy theories, just leaves one to wonder as hunting becomes more and more a business venture for increased rev vs a hobby to enjoy with friends and family.

I get asking questions can seem like people are insinuating something and in this day in age the standard is to jump far right or left without any information or facts, so yes makes one wonder especially when you hear of influencers getting tags repeatedly at the western expo in UT over the years or somehow getting great tags others wait a lifetime for or never get.

I was talking influencers in general and not about Randy, Randy never had to explain anything yet he came on here and enlightened us to something I’d say 95% of members were not aware of, now we are.

I still will not be shocked 10 years from now if we do find out some of these influencers received special treatment for creating content to increase dept rev.
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Much ado about nothing .

Randy, we enjoy your content and you always seem to be a good ambassador for hunting. The facts that you have found a way to profit off of it is good for you. Keep on keeping on.
Haha, no conspiracy theories, just leaves one to wonder as hunting becomes more and more a business venture for increased rev vs a hobby to enjoy with friends and family.

I get asking questions can seem like people are insinuating something and in this day in age the standard is to jump far right or left without any information or facts, so yes makes one wonder especially when you hear of influencers getting tags repeatedly at the western expo in UT over the years or somehow getting great tags others wait a lifetime for or never get.

I was talking influencers in general and not about Randy, Randy never had to explain anything yet he came on here and enlightened us to something I’d say 95% of members were not aware of, now we are.

I still will not be shocked 10 years from now if we do find out some of these influencers received special treatment for creating content to increase dept rev.

Hey Tim, honestly I didn’t realize I was responding to you or I would’ve known you were not as serious as it sounded.

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Hey Tim, honestly I didn’t realize I was responding to you or I would’ve known you were not as serious as it sounded.

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Oh no worries, I do think it was a decent topic and has been explained well as to what is really happening with the process, my guess, most just see it as an additional way to earn cash while already going to be in the state. When you think about it, you probably already have to have tags in hand before submitting to be included in these kind of marketing scenarios as why would a state make a deal with anyone not guaranteed to even hunt the state.
When you think about it, you probably already have to have tags in hand before submitting to be included in these kind of marketing scenarios as why would a state make a deal with anyone not guaranteed to even hunt the state.

Great point

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Much ado about nothing .

Randy, we enjoy your content and you always seem to be a good ambassador for hunting. The facts that you have found a way to profit off of it is good for you. Keep on keeping on.
Coming from a guy in a state with a deer population of 1.5 million. Thats like what, 30 deer per square mile! We hover in the 150,000 to 180,000 range…less than 1 deer per square mile! haha

Living in the arid West, you’d have a much different opinion. 😎
For the record, I have no ill will against Randy. I enjoy his content and I‘m actually subscribed to his channel. Probably my favorite guy to watch. Him and Corey Jacobsen, Elk101, are about all I watch.

Unfortunately, this is akin to closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. We‘ll see the real results of this play out in the coming few years. This marketing campaign only sped up the demise of the OTC hunts in Arizona.
Coming from a guy in a state with a deer population of 1.5 million. Thats like what, 30 deer per square mile! We hover in the 150,000 to 180,000 range…less than 1 deer per square mile! haha

Living in the arid West, you’d have a much different opinion. 😎
It seems like your ire is misplaced. If PA was paying people to hype up the the state and there were fewer tags for non res I would petition the people allotting tags to change the quotas.

They are a sales force hiring a salesperson IMO.
Wolves being re-listed.
Active campaigns to end hunting in Oregon.
EHD outbreaks.
Trapping closures
Ammo restrictions.
Fire closures shutting down full seasons.
Plus many more i am not thinking of.

Good plan, let’s ignore that stuff and instead go after the Randy Newburg team who are a great voice for hunting and conservation or Meateater as well for being too “cool” or “woke”.

None of these advocates or voices are perfect, but of you only want to support and partner with folks that think and act just like you, have fun sitting in a room by yourself.

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I've no beef with Newberg. He was hired for a purpose and as he stated he served that purpose. They could have made much worse choices for a face on this. IMO Newberg is one of the better ambassadors for hunting out there but that said I've never spent much time at all watching any of it.

Just some flip side random thoughts. AZGFD is mandated to be self funded. The state does not provide revenue. This was done way way back to keep politicians out of the management decisions, it's not perfect but has worked well. Departments like AZGFD have needed to increase revenue to keep up with the rising costs and increased demands on the Department. Lots of reasons for this that could be debated but that's another conversation.
Wolves being re-listed.
Active campaigns to end hunting in Oregon.
EHD outbreaks.
Trapping closures
Ammo restrictions.
Fire closures shutting down full seasons.
Plus many more i am not thinking of.

Good plan, let’s ignore that stuff and instead go after the Randy Newburg team who are a great voice for hunting and conservation or Meateater as well for being too “cool” or “woke”.

None of these advocates or voices are perfect, but of you only want to support and partner with folks that think and act just like you, have fun sitting in a room by yourself.

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I've no beef with Newberg. He was hired for a purpose and as he stated he served that purpose. They could have made much worse choices for a face on this. IMO Newberg is one of the better ambassadors for hunting out there but that said I've never spent much time at all watching any of it.

Just some flip side random thoughts. AZGFD is mandated to be self funded. The state does not provide revenue. This was done way way back to keep politicians out of the management decisions, it's not perfect but has worked well. Departments like AZGFD have needed to increase revenue to keep up with the rising costs and increased demands on the Department. Lots of reasons for this that could be debated but that's another conversation.
Newberg putting more pressure on unique and fragile animals like desert Arizona coues and mule deer to make a quick buck and get likes ( more money) is a good thing? No way as a hunter and conservationist can you support this nonsense
…with no hunt opportunities because it’s gone

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Sure is bizarre people cheering a hunting influencer who's actions result in less hunting opportunities each year.

What exactly is a hunting ambassador and why the need for one?
Sure is bizarre people cheering a hunting influencer who's actions result in less hunting opportunities each year.

What exactly is a hunting ambassador and why the need for one?
Preachin to the choir buddy! I believe I've stated in one of these threads that it (social media advertizing) served it's purpose and should stop. Was never a fan but the undersold tags sell out now and it's not needed anymore at least here in AZ.