Just wanted to know what is your average shot on elk as far as distance and position standing, on knees etc, and a rough est. of animals shot at also weapon of choice
Archery average has been in the 30-35 range.. rifle has been 275-300 last couple years it has been 450.... :/ time to put the rifle away and start bow hunting exclusively, but having a full freezer is nice.
I'm having a hard time making sense of the comment but i get the gist of it... I guess my view on it is I bowhunt for the challenge and the hunt. I pick the rifle up to put meat in the freezer.. I hate to admit it but the last three rifle kills I've had are 671 yards, 501 yards, and 458 yards.. All three with a custom built 300RUM shooting 185 grain bergers
Not saying ones better then the other , my most preferd method is whatever is legal when im blessed with the chance to get out, just like to see the broad spectrum of things.
3 Elk shot so far, all archery, 1 standing in a treestand for 10 yard shot, one standing on the ground for a 52 yard shot, 1 kneeling for a 38 yard shot, (one shot at this year, hit a limb but it was from kneeling at 45 yards)
I've killed more elk with a rifle, but my preferred method is Bow. Reason? My Dad doesn't Bow hunt and we try to do an elk hunt together in Wyoming every year.
Bow kills- all kneeling
40 yds
40/50 yds
average 43.3 yds
Rifle kills
20 yds one knee
344 yds, 150 yds finisher Seated elbows on knees/ standing
50 yds standing moving shot
150 yds rested on a tree trunk