Average cost of a Moose hunt

My Alaskan drop camp moose hunt in 2022 was about $12k all in door to door. Included bush plane trips in, out and meat out. Also got moved once in the middle of the hunt. I rented a tent, had the outfitter prepare food for 10 days and rented a boat with a motor. My total includes EVERYTHING. Tags, airfare, plane trips, shipping of meat and horns, food, hotels. You can do it cheaper if you know where to hunt, know someone who lives in AK or have an old hook up. In the 2 years since my hunt, I have noticed the same outfitter upped his price $1k each year. Supply and demand at it's finest I suppose.
There is a guy in Alberta doing a Shiras moose hunt for 5500.00. Wayne Zaft. I have not been able to find hardly any info on the hunt. A buddy of mine is there hunting now. I had a chance to take a cancellation spot and turned it down. No website and i know next to zero about Wayne. Other than he killed a giant whitetail a few years ago.
Your first clue should be that there are no Shiras moose in Canada... try thinking for yourself. Ed F
I got my first moose this year in 17C (Alaska). Residents get 1 bull moose tag each year. I'm thankful I live in Dillingham, AK after reading how much a moose hunt cost coming from the lower 48. I spent roughly $500 on my hunt: food, gas, gear, family resident Choggiung land use permit ($240). Perks of living in Bush Alaska.
Yea but whatdoya have wrapped up in the horses? Thats a $50k moose:ROFLMAO:
50k?o_O They aren't high-end race horses.🤣 Since you asked, the break-down is something like this, converted to US funds.

Three horses (1 green and 2 green broke. Trained myself) - $7000
Tack (saddles, saddle pads, bridles, breast collars, panniers, hobbles, high lines, etc.) - $2000
Three horse trailer - $6000
Feed and maintenance for 3 horses - $1400/year

What I get for that money is at least 1 major hunting trip per year to wherever I want, for how long I want. I've done 6 trips so far, the longest being 22 days. So if you divide the costs per hunting trip, its pretty good, and the quality of the trip is unmatched IME. Then when you factor in the resale value of tack and trailer, the value is even better.(y)
50k?o_O They aren't high-end race horses.🤣 Since you asked, the break-down is something like this, converted to US funds.

Three horses (1 green and 2 green broke. Trained myself) - $7000
Tack (saddles, saddle pads, bridles, breast collars, panniers, hobbles, high lines, etc.) - $2000
Three horse trailer - $6000
Feed and maintenance for 3 horses - $1400/year

What I get for that money is at least 1 major hunting trip per year to wherever I want, for how long I want. I've done 6 trips so far, the longest being 22 days. So if you divide the costs per hunting trip, its pretty good, and the quality of the trip is unmatched IME. Then when you factor in the resale value of tack and trailer, the value is even better.(y)
interesting break down and a very good way of hunting like in the old days.
You can absolutely do it for a fraction of that. It just depends on how much research you can put into it. If you don't have time or don't want to do the research, most reputable DIY Drop hunts in Alaska are costing anywhere from $9500 - $15000 but I have seen them as high as $20k
Yep. If you actually DIY it it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than the prices being thrown around in this thread.
I think reputable float plane moose hunts are ~$13K now (Papa Bear/Renfro's). that does not include the license/tag, flights to/from AK, cost to transport meat/antlers home, field supplies (food, waders, etc..). I would say ALL-in is ~$16.5K for AK moose hunt.

I just did this same hunt but the cost was $11.5K + everything I mentioned above.

Last thing I would mention is these outfitters are booked out a few years and that $13K price will go up by the time you actually hunt.
Your first clue should be that there are no Shiras moose in Canada... try thinking for yourself. Ed F
My other post got deleted as it gave my opinion of you. Hopefully you saw it before it was gone. Have a wonderful day.
Guide and Outfitters of BC list Shiras moose.

The Boone and Crocket list the Canadian Border. https://www.boone-crockett.org/category-boundaries-big-game-records?ref=sidebar#Moose

SCI has the Shiras moose area in Canada.
Guide and Outfitters of BC list Shiras moose.

The Boone and Crocket list the Canadian Border. https://www.boone-crockett.org/category-boundaries-big-game-records?ref=sidebar#Moose

SCI has the Shiras moose area in Canada.
I guess this clears up whether or not Canada has Shiras moose or not. Thx