I use 5 pins set from 20-60 yds. Closest shot was 12 feet. Longest was 52 yds. Avg for 26 elk is right at 25 yds. Make sure to practice with broadheads and learn to hold for the off yardages.
I have a 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, but lately have employed a trick pin where my red 50 pin shoots consistently from 20-40 when aimed 12" low. If Im ranging, i'd use the appropriate pin, but if I have take a quik shot where range is grey,I know my trick pin is reliable. I havent used this real world yet. Its still a concept for me, and dont know Inwould employ it on an animal...
Good topic, and can never be discussed too often, IMO, with the many archers getting in to elk hunting.
While I have had limited experience on elk (3 hunts in the last 4 years) I have had shots on bulls during each of those hunts and my partners have also been 100% on shot opportunities as well.
I am 2/3 on elk with shots at 36 (missed high), 35 double lung, and 14 hard quartering away in the boiler. One partner had a hard quartering away at 8 yards and the other passed on a cow inside 18 yards.
My site set up is a SpottHawg 5 pin set @ 20,30,40,50,60 in green, green, red (40), green, green. The 20 and 30 pins are a bigger dia than the red 40 and the 50 and 60 are smaller yet than the red 40.
I routinely practice at 70 yards which makes 50 and even 60 yard shots very comfortable for me. I would have zero issue shooting at 50 and if conditions warranted it, I would feel confident at 60 on a live target with my set up.
Depends on where you are planning to hunt, many of the western states are going to vary in ranges and wind conditions. Most of my shots on elk have been within 45yds and as close as 5yds. That being said I run a 5 pin adjustable sight that I can shoot out to 150yds. I practice regularly from 20-140yds and can usually keep groups past 100yds within 6" if I do my part. I have taken an antelope at 130yds with my bow but I would never shoot at an elk further than 50yds even in perfect conditions. There are too many variables that come into the mix in a hunting situation to risk losing an animal, plus elk have a tremendous desire and will to live. Practice to as far of distance as you can even if you don't plan on taking a shot on an animal at that range, it sure does make closer shots easier! I think a lot about swapping my sight to a set 4 pin a couple weeks before season to shed a little weight off my bow but have yet to do it...
My average is 48.8 yards. I too am a solo hunter for the most part and getting within that 50 yards has been key! There have been a few over 50 and a few within 20 yards. Having sights that you can shoot effectively with a good Maximum Effective Range is a must. Determine what that is for you and each situation will be dependent on the many variables in play at the time you decide to take a shot. Being comfortable shooting at longer yardages will help your confidence as well!