attempted sight in today


Feb 24, 2012
first i have to say i have an eye disease where my corneas arnt shaped correctly so light goin through them doesnt bend correctly. i say that to tell you i was sighting in my iron sighted ml today and it took me a ton of shots to get it close. im shootin about 1 inch low and left at 50. not positive about that cause when i look at the sights i get that snowflake look off of them cause of my eyes so its hard to really aim at the same spot everytime even though i was benched off. im ocd so it kills me its not 2 inches high at 50 but ive done the best i can. shoulder feels like mush tonight. so if i can get one in to 50 shes in alot of trouble. lol.
guess i shoud say that was shootin 100 gr of triple 7 with a 370 gr maxi ball. thinkin bot goin with 110 for the hunt hopin it raises me up a half inch or so. with me luck
fiberoptic sights on a tc impact. yes ive got a peep sight on my ar 15. same deal. everything snowflakes. not bad enuf i cant shoot on paper at 75 yds or so, just wont be taken any longer shots that the gun is capable of doing. its fine, gotta know your limits, but im ocd and want everything perfect.
just a thougth, i was using 100 gr of triple 7. if i went to 110-120 grains would the extra speed raise the impact the inch i want. crap, now im thinking again and my shoulder feels like mush so i shouldnt go try.
they adjust, my eyes dont, lol. its close to being dead on, just not perfect cause i cant see that well. i adjusted both windage and elevation quite abit so far.
I agree with BuckSnort. Just try adjusting the sight (as soon as shoulder can handle more.)

You can try more powder, but that will affect accuracy more than trajectory. In fact, thinking about it, I'd never try to change POI by increasing powder charge. Accuracy first, then sight the gun in. My two cents.
One other thought to consider. One thing I would recommend, is if you can scope your muzzleloader, do that first, and work up an accurate load that your gun likes. Just yesterday I did that with a new bullet I am trying out that is legal here in Oregon (No Excuses 50 cal, 460 grain). I tested powder charges from 70 grains to 100 grains (by volume) and had 100 yard groups ranging from 1.5" to 5" just by changing the powder amount. I found 80 grains consistently gave me 1.5" groups. Since we can't use scopes in Oregon, I switched to the ghost ring sight last night and will next sight the gun in for hunting. Trying to sight in a gun that is throwing lead all over is futile and terribly frustrating, even with good eyes, I definitely know that from experience!! Once you get the load worked out, then go back to the open sights and work on sighting the gun in.
thanks guys, im gonna work on it a little more next weekend. hopefully that will get it where i want.
great advice and I should have followed it for my initial range session listed on the Big Mule Deer.... thread (see video I just posted). I did scope the T/C and am now not chasing groups wondering if it is the sight.

good luck bnsafe- keep us posted.