Atlas coolers- Anyone get a shipping notice yet?

I can see how it looks like that and I'm sorry! I'm not trying to diminish yalls issues in any way. It completely sucks the way all this has gone down. We started purchasing cups from them before all this happened. When they first started having issues someone called me (I'm guessing it was Ben, but I don't remember). He explained the delays like this- he places an order for more product. Says it should be here June 5. Tells customers June 5. Then Walmart places an order. They have a contract, so their stuff gets filled first. So when product comes in June 5, it gets sent to Walmart. Customer's ship date gets pushed back.

Now, whether this is all true remains to be seen. But if it is, it means every time they have told y'all there is more on the way, there probably really was more on the way and they got diverted again to Walmart. I am really *trying* to be an understanding person and wait for the whole truth to come out.

Is this a good way to do business? Heck no. They need to figure out a different way to handle it if Walmart truly gobbles up their inventory before it can go out to customers.

If it turns out that this really is a scam then you bet I will stop selling their tumblers. I do have morals and principles and I run my business honestly. I'm just waiting for the whole story.

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You need to seriously look into how you are rationalizing his mistakes as an owner and put yourself as a consumer. Again he or his company has not 1 time contacted ANY of us. The only person in contact has been GotDrawn which for all I know is Ben Jones under an alias.
I dont care if WalMart places an order after a group buy. It isnt my problem, common business practices tell you to better forecast and to do orders on a first come first basis. Anything else is like cutting in line.
Well I'm happy you might get your shit... But there are a bunch of us still wanting on refunds and some who paid with debit cards who might be ****ed. We ordered as a whole at least $30k worth of shit. Curious what did you have invested with this scum bag? Sounds like you might be letting him off the hook.. Fair enough... But I sure as **** am not. I also can't believe you hope to continue a business relationship with a company that behaves this way. For **** sakes why would you buy again from this guy? You reap what you sow

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I have not been refunded.. after canceling the order. I filed a credit card dispute. The money is long gone guys.
Atlas was quick to cancel my order and confirmed with me via email. Emails went unanswered asking about when credit would be given. Only way to get $$ back is to open a dispute with your CC.

On another note his business practice is crap from my research Atlas has only received 3 shipments of what I don't know but only 3 shipments!!

Atlas Coolers Llc, Add 138 Johns River Rd Fredericksburg Tx 78624 Usa Te1 830 3020433 | Buyer Report — Panjiva

I posted this on the other thread too.

Yes I'm a bit upset about the whole deal for everything appears to be an excuse to buy more time. (Phone stolen while in Cuba (sure), our coolers are on a train to TX (that might be true) but he decided to give the only inventory that rokslide bought to walmart)
I finally got an email response after two months and multiple emails. I was shocked that I even got a response. Can't get it to post properly though.
I finally got an email response after two months and multiple emails. I was shocked that I even got a response. Can't get it to post properly though.
Cut and paste the email text into the forum. Very curious at this point

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Refunds are processed the same day on our end.

First, a threat of lawsuit is not going to get anywhere as its really not that much money and second the whole deal was is we were never even offering refunds on rokslide because of the way it was set up. The deal was coolers were paid for, we put in order with our manufacturer and coolers were delivered. Date has been pushed happens.

Feel free to do what is necessary but I can tell you with the threats and BS that have come from the Rokslide group over a delayed order is a bit excessive and we really have lost any interest in fixing the order issues. So it stands as if you have an order in for cooler (any customer) the new date is December 18th.

Thank you,
Customer Support

Atlas Coolers
PO Box 2432
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
[email protected]
Refunds are processed the same day on our end.

First, a threat of lawsuit is not going to get anywhere as its really not that much money and second the whole deal was is we were never even offering refunds on rokslide because of the way it was set up. The deal was coolers were paid for, we put in order with our manufacturer and coolers were delivered. Date has been pushed happens.

Feel free to do what is necessary but I can tell you with the threats and BS that have come from the Rokslide group over a delayed order is a bit excessive and we really have lost any interest in fixing the order issues. So it stands as if you have an order in for cooler (any customer) the new date is December 18th.

Thank you,
Customer Support

Atlas Coolers
PO Box 2432
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
[email protected]


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And for the record, my order was very small compared to most but I got sick of the lack of response. Also, I cancelled several days ago and have yet to see an actual refund.
The last paragraph is comical. Everything this guy says is a lie. If they processed the refunds then why has nobody gotten one? Paypal can't even get the funds from them. Can't wait to hear the story that gotdraw relays to us after he talks to Ben. Should be a real juicy one...

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Just logged into my cc and visa refunded me the full amount and interest the same day I called it in. Took 10 min.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Refunds are processed the same day on our end.

First, a threat of lawsuit is not going to get anywhere as its really not that much money and second the whole deal was is we were never even offering refunds on rokslide because of the way it was set up. The deal was coolers were paid for, we put in order with our manufacturer and coolers were delivered. Date has been pushed happens.

Feel free to do what is necessary but I can tell you with the threats and BS that have come from the Rokslide group over a delayed order is a bit excessive and we really have lost any interest in fixing the order issues. So it stands as if you have an order in for cooler (any customer) the new date is December 18th.

Thank you,
Customer Support

Atlas Coolers
PO Box 2432
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
[email protected]

Holy ****ing shit.... The balls on this guy.

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Just logged into my cc and visa refunded me the full amount and interest the same day I called it in. Took 10 min.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

Keep in mind this is your CC doing you a favor 2.00 says the CC has NOT received any funds from Atlas Coolers and they will submit a claim to them in which from talking to discover card they have 45 days to rebuttle. (say why they shouldn't refund the amount)

That email you received is just amazing.. "delayed order is a bit excessive" Hello Ben Jones the order was delivered to the port where it took a couple days to process and was then on a train to TX where it would then be shipped out to us via trucks. NEVER HAPPENED Walmart supposibly got that inventory. He probably just realized shipping them to individual people was going to be a PITA.
I know people have posted links to groups that assist consumers already, not sure if this one--Texas Attorney General's Office--has been posted:

Consumer Protection - File a Consumer Complaint

As I understand it, he's operating out of Texas. Most state AG's have similar departments.

I filed with the FTC.. and ill file one with Texas. I wrote a quick blog on my experience.
Btw the address from this site is bogus
Atlas Coolers Llc, Add 138 Johns River Rd Fredericksburg Tx 78624 Usa Te1 830 3020433 | Buyer Report — Panjiva

I found more info.. and digging around. with his correct address etc i posted on my blog.
Atlas Cooler Scam | Digital Life for the Technology Voice - read my writeup.

Actually i think we should do an class action lawsuit against this guy. He is right about being a small dollar amount. We wouldn't get much notice in court. However a class action lawsuit would work. We Could summon him to Austin TX courts.
Again how many people canceled and have not been issued a refund?
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I don't think that GotDraw had anything to do with how this all has gone down. Yes he thought of the group buy idea and yes he relayed bogus info that came directly from atlas but if you look back through his posts it was actually another member that brought this company to our attention. Not gotdraw.
I don't think that GotDraw had anything to do with how this all has gone down. Yes he thought of the group buy idea and yes he relayed bogus info that came directly from atlas but if you look back through his posts it was actually another member that brought this company to our attention. Not gotdraw.

If that is the case.. why hasnt that dude been back on the forums to post.. something. Please dont tell me he is out hunting... or some ignorant excuse. I work everyday just like all the other people and can find 10 mins during a break to check on this forum post for updates every week or so.'
If that is the case.. why hasnt that dude been back on the forums to post.. something. Please dont tell me he is out hunting... or some ignorant excuse. I work everyday just like all the other people and can find 10 mins during a break to check on this forum post for updates every week or so.'

He actually let us know he would be hunting in the mountains before everything hit the fan. He said he would be back on the 11th if I remember correctly. He has some helpful posts on here dating before this group buy started so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. By your post count and forum name it's obvious this group buy is the only reason you are on here so please refrain from bashing members in good standing when you clearly tried benefiting from work he did to put this group buy together. Obviously it hasn't worked out for any of us but I truly believe that's 100% on Atlas, not Gotdraw?.
If that is the case.. why hasnt that dude been back on the forums to post.. something. Please dont tell me he is out hunting... or some ignorant excuse. I work everyday just like all the other people and can find 10 mins during a break to check on this forum post for updates every week or so.'

He said he would be hunting until the middle of September. This was stated quite a while ago. I get that people are upset but take it down a notch. You come in spewing hate and you have only registered and posted in this thread in the last 2 days.