I can get quite winded on this topic but I'll do my best to keep it short and useful while making known that I am happy and willing to answer more questions either here or via direct messaging.
I am not associated with Lone Wolf products. The IV / VG appears to be a mimic of a product with which I have been involved and use, though, for nearly four years: Blood Trax (bloodtrax.com).
I can speak to many aspects with regard to how and why this concept actually works. It can get pretty deep pretty quick as we discuss circulatory system PSI, physics and physical reactions. I can also speak to how using the Blood Trax system will positively affect arrow flight. I can also speak to durability.
I am no fool, though. I will be the first to agree that properly tuned arrows launched from a properly tuned bow are paramount and imperative. The average adult male shouldn't need to be too concerned with running a solution like this. But, the average adult male does not account for all bowhunting demographics. Also, there are always the seemingly fluke situations when a guy like Cam Hanes doesn't get a pass-through although he pulls 80lb... it happens (last fall).
If we -as bowhunters- are doing our jobs, we should be working to bring more people into our craft. Kids, especially. The presence of women in bowhunting is hopefully rising. Heck, I know a physically disabled gentleman that runs the Blood Trax system and has already seen success. He can only pull 40lb. His arrow did not pass through and his buddy said, "I've never seen so much blood!"
While this solution isn't ideal for ALL bowhunters (it doesn't need to be), it is indeed ideal for particular demographics. Basically, anyone with a shorter draw length or physically only able to pull lower pundage draw weight... this is an amazing tool for the toolbox that does VERY well to increase confidence and ability to recover animals.
All this said, we appreciate that there is another organization that has seen the value of this type of solution and has brought some competition into this niche space. However, the IV / VG design is not as structurally sound as the Blood Trax. The designer of BT worked through this process rather intensively and prototyped a design very similar to the IV / VG. It did not meet the desired degree of durability.
Regarding another concern menitoned in this thread about debris getting in and clogging... this is precisely why the Blood Trax insert is designed how it is. The holes act as a filter to keep debris out and the blood gutters still allow blood to flow.
I feel like I'm rambling now... I apologize. If you're curious to know more or have specific questions, feel free to message me here on Rokslide or find me on social media. I'm easy to find.
Casey Rash