What the heck are these Internet guys thinking? I know that heavy arrows are all the rage and I have been doing my homework. I continue to be baffled by the heavy arrow proponents that brag or even encourage you to put a broadhead in the shoulder. Some of them brag about going through both shoulders and they do it intentionally on big game. Personally, I hunt for the meat. It is beyond me why anyone would intentionally (not you, Gardo) hit the shoulder to not only jeopardize the chances of recovering the animal but ruining so much good quality meat. My Broadhead on a shoulder shot is more devastating than a bullet. I have short draw length. That sucks. My bow is at 72 pounds and I shoot a 442gr. arrow going 252 ft./s. While I am going to explore an arrow that is heavier, I am not going to ever attempt to put one in the shoulder and would not do it if I were shooting 90 pounds with a 31” DL.