Aron Snyder's new Article

"High dollar gear is great, but experience and field craft is better"

My favorite quote right there.

Although I have slowly collected some high end, flyweight gear over the years, by FAR the thing that has lightened my pack the most is just simply learning what I really just don't need to bring. All the money the world won't buy what 100 nights in a tent will teach you.

Thanks Aron. Great advice.
It seems to be analogous to people getting hooked on gambling...that GIF has to be right just once, and then it's really hard to fully ignore her after that. :)
Thanks for the great write up. I am definitely guilty of this and will be re packing my pack AGAIN.

Ps I shared the article with a friend and a few hours later he let me know he dropped 5lbs from his pack. He must have read it.
Awesome article aron thanks. Always enjoy talking And reading your posts.lots of info even for those of us that have been doing this for a long time,it always seems the gif can seek up on you,great refresher. Hope you have good hunting this year.
You'd actually be shocked what that dude packs in on his back for food and drink. It may all be ultra-light but he brings a TON of it. When he's unloading his pack it reminds me of the clown car at the circus.... No joke.

He consumes all of it, so it's the right amount, but it's more than I could handle.

Haha seriously he's a eating machine! Every time I turn around Aron is eating or is talking about eating. I can't believe the amount of food that guy goes thru. Im with you, I couldn't handle it. I'd blow up
Click on the home tab at the top of the forum then look under recent articles on the left side of the page. Then look around there is a ton of info their.
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