Aron Snyder's new Article

When I'm glassing, I've found that one merino layer, a puffy and the Kaldo is plenty for me to stay warm. The Kaldo is much better at blocking the wind than the Guide, so that is what makes the big difference.

+1 on this. I've only used the Koldo on two late season hunts but it blocks the wind a lot better than my Kuiu Chugach as well. For late season for me (into the single digits for lows and 45-50s on the highs during the day) the puffy/Koldo combo worked very well and plan on using the Koldo on all my late season hunts for sure or super wet hunts. Gonna try to Posiden this summer and early season stuff to give that a whirl as well though. Just gotta wait for my Cabelas backorder to process...whenever that might be :(

Koldo worked well on wet/rainy Prince of Wales in mid November:
I loved this article. The GIF and I have had our issues (past, present and most likely future) but I hope to continue to reduce the total pack weight as the budget allows.