Aron Snyder's new Article

I think he explained GIF in the beginning.

Very good article Aron! It's great info especially for the beginning backpacker. I myself have never thought to use same battery backup equipment
GIF, i like that made me LOL. Great article Aron! I think we have all been a victim of the GIF. I've always called it being a victim of reality. You plan crappy and or bring crap gear or stuff you dont need and reality will set it upon you quickly.

In my job I see all kinds of crap and garbage come along as far as gear and tools for the job and the same old core stuff will always work over the GIF gear. Unfortunately in my job I know as well as Aron that GIF gear or ideas will get people killed.
Good article. I will comment on the food. Last year I took enough food for 12 days. I only went for 7. My dad took enough food for probably 16-18 days. I also have a really hard time eating for the first few days and so I pound water and have to try and eat something so I don't get sick, so I will try and take really good tasting food for my first couple of days worth of food. Great article, where was this last year!!!!
That bitch runs wild in the military. She really seems to influence officers more than enlisted:)
The GIF has convinced me on several occasions the night before a hunt to check out a new area I have never scouted before. Let's just say I won't be listening to that hussy again.
guilty! Thanks for sharing from experience aron. Picked up several nuggets of wisdom. Feel free to write more of these as you have time. I always appreciate learning from those who have learned through experience.
This is the beast of which he speaks...

Here is the male version of the GIF...

Great reading and all very good advise. Id like to see a break down of Arons 10 day food kit.

You'd actually be shocked what that dude packs in on his back for food and drink. It may all be ultra-light but he brings a TON of it. When he's unloading his pack it reminds me of the clown car at the circus.... No joke.

He consumes all of it, so it's the right amount, but it's more than I could handle.
Sorry but this made me laugh out loud * Never trust your buddy to pack food for you & vice versa – you will kill and eat one another on the mountain