Arizona CC hits coming Friday...

I just want the official “you’re a loser again” confirmation so that I can get closure. That and find something else to hunt.


Not planning on an AZ tag, just want confirmation so I can plan something out of state.

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NM and MT apps due soon...need to know before then.
Between WY moving their results date and AZ bungling their draw, I can't help but think they are in cahoots with NM and MT to squeeze us for every cent they can get. Everything that has happened forces us to put in applications we might not have if we had timely (successful) draw results elsewhere.

And I'm only being half serious.

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AZGF website has been updated, says results are pending! Look like we might be getting close!
Yea boys AZ sucks, front the non refundable 165$ nonresident hunting license and then just get the run around.

Let's stop applying and hit their revenues, that'll show em. If apps decrease 25% it'll make that govt agency rethink the whole thing...

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I promise, I won't apply either....🤞🤞
My apps are showing up now. I still have a valid license and the correct points also.

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It sure seems like it should be first thing tomorrow. Based on the 2nd CC update deadline and numerous reports of the portal accounts being updated over the last day or so, mine included.
That’s what it normally shows in the portal “pending”, it’s been that way for a while
Ours just updated to that yesterday. Seems like if yours was done a while back, others are slowly getting updated - same goes for some other people I know. Hopefully that means the draw results are getting closer.
It be incredibly confusing if AZ left another week long opening after closing credit card deadlines. Leaving them an opportunity to be blasted by 50% of hunters in the state about the possibility of card fraud and cancellations in that time frame once more. Even then not doing the draw the day after CC deadline is boggling to the majority of us compared to every other year for the past decade where they did the draw the day after CC Deadline.
The longer they wait after the CC update deadline to do this draw, the more of a headache they are creating for themselves. They did the right thing by pushing the update back, but they should have been ready to do the draw immediately after the CC update deadline.