Arizona 8 late bull tag


Jun 22, 2015
drew an 8 late bull tag. Would like to chat with anyone who has been in the area or on this hunt pms please no need to share info on a public forum thanks looking forward to getting out this year.
Looking forward to getting out there the family wants me home for thanksgiving so I’m going to make a scout trip 2 weeks before the hunt and sit behind the glass for 3 days and check out different glassing locations.
Looking forward to getting out there the family wants me home for thanksgiving so I’m going to make a scout trip 2 weeks before the hunt and sit behind the glass for 3 days and check out different glassing locations.
Many glassing points on the West side are really obvious and easily accessible. Expect company on those points. I'll also say even if there are others up there glassing they don't always see so have faith and keep your mouth shut.
I hunt coyotes in that unit all the time and do otc archery deer. I’ve seen some elk but never had the tag.
With b zone being closed for opener of rifle I’m going to head down to unit 8 and get some scouting in. Look at a bunch of different glassing locations and see where I want to start