- Joined
- Mar 23, 2022
Anyone have first hand comparison of this compared to the Redcliff? Looking to buy one or the other.
Both are excellent tents. The real main differences are, Seek Outside American made with nylon fabric. Argali made overseas and utilizes SilPoly. Argali has the removable stove Jack which can save you a few ounces if you don’t plan on using the stove. I prefer the liner configuration on the Argali over the SO. Other then that, the differences are pretty minimal.
I parted with the SO mainly due to the fabric. Nylon sags when battling moisture/snow. It eats up the interior usable space. On the other hand, SilPoly has minimal stretch and doesn’t sag.
If you encounter a lot of snow or moisture, I would opt for the Argali.
- Tent Weight-3.43 lbs (55 oz)
- Tent Weight with 12 stakes and Center Pole- 4.79 lbs (76.7 oz)
- Peak Height-84" (7')
- Length-192" (16') at center
- Width-132" (11') at center
- Square Footage- 157 square ft.
Red Cliff
- Canopy: 55 oz / 3 lb 7 oz
- Complete weight - canopy, stakes, carbon pole - 83 oz / 5 lb 3 oz
- Door screens add 10 oz
- Height: 6' 10″
- Width: 8' 6" (10' 10" center to center)
- Length: 13' (14' 10" center to center)
- Square Feet: 132
- Square Feet Sitting Area (height above 36"): 41
- Square Feet Standing Area (height above 6 ft): 2
Pictures are deceiving. Argali has 25 additional square feet..