CO OTC Archery Elk Partner? (2nd Half of Sept)


Jun 10, 2020
Longtime lurker, second time poster? Something like that. This post would be easy to make into a novel, so I'll try to bullet point it.

To start off, my plan this year is to hunt solo (archery), but if someone with a similar mindset and hunting style is in CO then I think I'd be open to pairing up.

Currently planning on September 15th through the 28th, but I am coming from Oklahoma and haven't quite nailed down when I will drive out

Colorado OTC Units sort of in the Montrose to Glenwood Springs area. I have things narrowed down a bit more than that, but I don't want to post specifics. The units I am looking at will be new to me, so I'm not dead set on where I'm going if I need to change things up.

33 and in good shape, I've bowhunted my whole life and last year was my first elk season (drew a tag, but didn't draw it this year). I went the opening days of archery and called in a few elk, came to full draw on 3 (didn't have a clean opening on 1 at 18yds / had one at 4yds that busted me / passed a third that I wasn't sure was legal), so not bad and I definitely learned a lot. I lived in CO for a bit and know what to expect for miles and elevation. Like last year, I'll prob hold out for a bull the first half of my trip and just try and fill the freezer after that. I couldn't score an elk on the hoof as I just don't get that caught up in scores (for deer or elk). My calling won't win any competitions, but I did get regular replies from elk last season-- including that one that came in on a string from 150yds to 4yds... surprised me enough that I didn't even have a good set up ready. I'm studying up and practicing a bit more on my calling to hopefully be better this go around.

I did a mix of truck camping and also backpacking in pretty deep last year and may do the same this year, we'll see what it looks like when I get there. I don't have an ATV or dirtbike, so I'm trying to avoid the areas where those are common. Obviously I'm hunting with a bow, otherwise I'm trying to trim down my equipment even more from last year to keep as mobile as I can. I wouldn't say I'm ultralight, but you get the idea.

SO, if you're another solo archery hunter in good shape that would would be interested in meeting up, let me know. For me, this trip is all about hunting-- so everything else is pretty bare bones. That is, I'm not packing in booze (that's what you pick up in town once you fill your cooler) and setting up a campfire for biscuits and gravy every night. I'm eating far too much peanut butter and dehydrated food and getting up unpleasantly early to hike in. When backpacking, my wife gives me hell for being a mountain goat (she quickly learned to ask me not just how far we were going, but also how much elevation was in store for the day). Otherwise, for my day job I am a professional engineer and constantly tinkering and building stuff. I enjoy being busy.

Finally, as has been mentioned before, if you're an app developer, we need to get a Tindr for hunters. Finding partners when no one in your social circle hunts (let alone bowhunts) is a pain in the @$$!
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Same boat as you most likely. I'll be heading out the first half of the month though. 9/5-9/20.

Waiting to hear if one of my buddies will get the vacation he put in for or not.

Where in OK are you?
Same boat as you most likely. I'll be heading out the first half of the month though. 9/5-9/20.

Waiting to hear if one of my buddies will get the vacation he put in for or not.

Where in OK are you?

I had initially planned to go the first half of the season again this year as I've heard lots of folks griping that the muzzleloaders reshuffle the deck-- but since my calling worked decent last year and calling is only supposed to be more effective later in the season, I figured I'd give the second half a shot. We'll see if I regret overlapping with the muzzleloaders-- and if it's not worth it for where I am going, one more tidbit of knowledge gained.

I'm located in Tulsa.
Good luck,

Honestly, I've had better luck calling bulls in close enough for a shot early in the season. Elk are way more active later in the season but normally harder to call in, it's more fun to be in the woods later but not always as productive. Earlier it's harder to turn them up but once you find one that wants to play they are normally pretty responsive and will come in.

Last few years we've killed a nice bull all early, Aug 31st Sept 10th, 8th, and 15th, we always call in a lot of other bulls also that we don't kill early as well, haven't called in and shot a bull after the 20th for the last 6 years. Later bulls tend to get cowed up and are harder to call in.

I met a good friend on here and LRH when we were both looking to do a hunt in ID back in 2015, he's been out here hunting the last 4 years since.
Last few years we've killed a nice bull all early, Aug 31st Sept 10th, 8th, and 15th, we always call in a lot of other bulls also that we don't kill early as well, haven't called in and shot a bull after the 20th for the last 6 years....

No, that's not how this works. You aren't supposed to give me more information to think about, I've already gotten analysis paralysis trying to pin down where to hunt in what units and when to go there!

Kidding aside, I appreciate the info. I felt like I did well going the first half of the season last year and I figured I'd try the second half for comparison. That being said, one nice thing about going solo (at the moment) is schedule flexibility, so I may still switch things up.
My thoughts were definitely leaning towards getting to hunt for a little while before muzzeloader season, but still being there just as things are starting to get going as far as rut activity.

I'm down in Fort Smith. If you're serious about a partner I'm thinking about hunting that same area. Shoot me a PM and I might be interested if you switch up your dates.
Wow, I wasn't really expecting multiple messages and PM's-- I appreciate you guys reaching out. I'll try and get a PM back to everyone this week and start to feel out what might work well.

Conley though:
Do you like pina coladas?

What about getting caught in the rain?

I don't like yoga and I have half a brain. But if you start talking about making love at midnight, then my bear spray is the love that you've been looking for :)
Since your getting multiple messages, after you find your soul mate you can play Cupid and match up your suitors accordingly. Charging a small fee of course.
Longtime lurker, second time poster? Something like that. This post would be easy to make into a novel, so I'll try to bullet point it.

To start off, my plan this year is to hunt solo (archery), but if someone with a similar mindset and hunting style is in CO then I think I'd be open to pairing up.

Currently planning on September 15th through the 28th, but I am coming from Oklahoma and haven't quite nailed down when I will drive out

Colorado OTC Units sort of in the Montrose to Glenwood Springs area. I have things narrowed down a bit more than that, but I don't want to post specifics. The units I am looking at will be new to me, so I'm not dead set on where I'm going if I need to change things up.

33 and in good shape, I've bowhunted my whole life and last year was my first elk season (drew a tag, but didn't draw it this year). I went the opening days of archery and called in a few elk, came to full draw on 3 (didn't have a clean opening on 1 at 18yds / had one at 4yds that busted me / passed a third that I wasn't sure was legal), so not bad and I definitely learned a lot. I lived in CO for a bit and know what to expect for miles and elevation. Like last year, I'll prob hold out for a bull the first half of my trip and just try and fill the freezer after that. I couldn't score an elk on the hoof as I just don't get that caught up in scores (for deer or elk). My calling won't win any competitions, but I did get regular replies from elk last season-- including that one that came in on a string from 150yds to 4yds... surprised me enough that I didn't even have a good set up ready. I'm studying up and practicing a bit more on my calling to hopefully be better this go around.

I did a mix of truck camping and also backpacking in pretty deep last year and may do the same this year, we'll see what it looks like when I get there. I don't have an ATV or dirtbike, so I'm trying to avoid the areas where those are common. Obviously I'm hunting with a bow, otherwise I'm trying to trim down my equipment even more from last year to keep as mobile as I can. I wouldn't say I'm ultralight, but you get the idea.

SO, if you're another solo archery hunter in good shape that would would be interested in meeting up, let me know. For me, this trip is all about hunting-- so everything else is pretty bare bones. That is, I'm not packing in booze (that's what you pick up in town once you fill your cooler) and setting up a campfire for biscuits and gravy every night. I'm eating far too much peanut butter and dehydrated food and getting up unpleasantly early to hike in. When backpacking, my wife gives me hell for being a mountain goat (she quickly learned to ask me not just how far we were going, but also how much elevation was in store for the day). Otherwise, for my day job I am a professional engineer and constantly tinkering and building stuff. I enjoy being busy.

Finally, as has been mentioned before, if you're an app developer, we need to get a Tindr for hunters. Finding partners when no one in your social circle hunts (let alone bowhunts) is a pain in the @$$!
Did you ever connect with anyone or have any success?

I had plans to meet up with another guy in the middle of his hunt, but he tagged out early, so it was another solo trip for me. I called in some hunters and put in tons of miles, but no success this go around. I've got my dad convinced to go with me this upcoming season, so fingers crossed for better results. Even if we get tag soup, it'll be nice to hunt with my old man before his age catches up with him.
Bummer, learn something every time though. I live here in CO and this was my 9th year without but finally called in and stuck a really nice bull but was a little forward and hit the shoulder. Didnt penetrate much at all and watched him walk away with the arrow hanging out of him. Waited hours, no blood, looked all day and nothing. The blow down was insane so hard to say but I think he took it like a boss and was barely phased judging from how he stopped and looked back at me then just slowly walked off. Devastating and replay the shot every night in my head since. I usually hunt the Walden area and always looking for some guys to go with so if your plans change hit me up. I'm still a novice for sure.
