Aram Von Benedikt

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You absolutely cannot, as the inherent variation shot to shot is at least linearly, and probably exponentially, proportional to the range. It is widely accepted that 1MOA is 1" variation at 100 yards, and 10" at 1000 yards. That's an extra 9" of variation. Add in wind and rangefinder error, environmentals, etc, and the shot to shot variation is much much larger than 1" at 1000 yards.

Of course. I didn't articulate this well but "as the conditions/ammo allow" was intended to address exactly what you're saying.

Basically i'm just saying if you take a guy who shoots good groups and a guy who shoots less good groups at 100 with the same equipment, it's not like once you stretch the distance it's likely their competency for consistently breaking triggers is going to change if just holding same POA and firing.
If the hunting industry isn't gonna police themselves, the hunters need to do it for them.

Does Utah release game incident reports? I'd like to see what they decide after the investigation is over.
That's why we assemble the meme gang for these type of weenies. I'm not sure if it sways anything, but Rokslide is at the top of the AVB google search and it's quite entertaining.

I too would like to see the investigation report. I'm hoping they can hit him with a harassment charge and take the antlers back. He doesn't deserve them. The other stuff that came out in the stories is petty.
Of course. I didn't articulate this well but "as the conditions/ammo allow" was intended to address exactly what you're saying.

Basically i'm just saying if you take a guy who shoots good groups and a guy who shoots less good groups at 100 with the same equipment, it's not like once you stretch the distance it's likely their competency for consistently breaking triggers is going to change if just holding same POA and firing.

I think I knew what you were saying. I just think it gets harder at range. If you take a pool of dudes who shoot 1MOA at 100 yards, only a subset will maintain 1MOA at extended ranges because all the other sources of variation are more heavily weighted. I say this as a dude who knows his stuff to about 300 yards, and then beyond that I pray and hope probably more than I'm able to apply science and experience. I've killed ungulates to about 350 yards, and scared the shit out of a few coyotes beyond that. I could certainly see how a 25 year old version of myself would feel empowered with a rangefinder and an iphone app to sling lead beyond what I've ever actually practiced. I did stupid shit when I was younger. I do less now but every once in a while remain true to my genetics.
No I definitely agree with everything you said,I was mainly saying in general but for this specific incident you are spot on.
I was just talking to a guy at work this morning,he shot a buck Friday.He text a guy that his dad lets hunts there property that he killed and sent a few pics.
First thing the guy said was that’s my other buddy’s deer,he shot it Monday,wanted to know if it had any wounds even though he could tell it was a fresh kill.
His deer from 4 days prior,that’s insane.
I told my buddy I would run his ass out of there.
If it would have been a doe nothing would even be mentioned.
Yep gone
Antlers are one of the biggest problems in hunting,if they had any actual ethics they would have just split the meat and drew straws for the horns.
Must fill your ego with your pictures of yourself and the head.How about a picture of your plate with the true trophy.
Well that would feed your belly not your egos.
Both party’s have no business shooting that far.
I disagree. Meat is a nice bonus but if I was hunting for meat I'd pay a rancher to shoot his fattest steer. And it will be a lot fricken cheaper.
I bet AVB doesn’t feel like it’s very many… at least publicly

I also bet he wishes he would have done things differently, but his character wouldn’t let him at the time and he can’t undo what’s happened.

Probably not a humbling experience for him, but it should be, and regardless, is causing him hardship
I bet he he could give a s$^. And would do it again in a minute. Guys like that, it's only about him, nothing and body else matters.
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