Aram Von Benedikt

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Nov 15, 2018


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
What bothers me is that there are people who support his behavior.
There are a LOT of people that not only support it- but actively engage in it. Even quite a few of those clutching their pearls on this very thread I’d be willing to bet.

The ONLY reason we heard about this is because there were two groups in the canyon that day.

Statistically speaking, high numbers of “hunters” have lobbed bullets (or arrows) at critters well beyond their effective range and this gives them an outlet for laughing about it while knowing they are just as douchey. This “shoot it enough to wound it” has become the norm and social media simply fuels the asshattery.

Follow <insert hunting influencer/celebrity> around for a season and the likelihood that they are part of the “hail of bullets-just wound it enough” crew is high. We just haven’t heard about it yet.

A low bar is set, please try to clear it.


Jun 30, 2020
Keep going guys. "2 weeks from desert sheep opener" had 1549 comments. Over 300 hundred to catch up. :)
Nov 28, 2017
Antlers are one of the biggest problems in hunting,if they had any actual ethics they would have just split the meat and drew straws for the horns.
Must fill your ego with your pictures of yourself and the head.How about a picture of your plate with the true trophy.
Well that would feed your belly not your egos.
Both party’s have no business shooting that far.
Dec 30, 2014
I had to think on this awhile, and there is some truth in what you're saying, with today's tech I think the entry into long range is lower.

Back in the day it was almost magic, today LRFs, decent scopes, and apps are cheap and plenty.

So more people may be trying, but they also probably have a higher chance of success than the people did in the past to.

Long range for all its built up to be isn't that hard, you're not doing anything different if you can shoot well at 100y you can shoot well at 1000 or further if the winds not bad. Wind is the hardest part, shooter performance is next, and ammo after that, drop probably after that.
Weatherbys, Lazzeronis, etc - I never knew anyone shooting 600+ yards with them with any expectation of an accurate shot, they knew they were taking pot shots. I 100% agree that equipment and competency has grown exponentially but along with that improvement comes a ton of mislead people that are over-confident and taking shots they have no business taking because they have heard how easy it is from posts like yours. "I've got a range and dope from my Kestrel", "My Leupold CDS is custom to my gun".

Also agree, if you can shoot well @ 100, you can shoot with similar precision (as the conditions/ammo allow) @ 1000. That doesn't make long range shooting "easy". The thing is, most people that can shoot a good group one position are going to shoot notably worse if they have to change the position every shot in a way that would represent a one off hunting shot but hardly anyone does that so that builds into the overconfidence. Then account for the fact that they conveniently forgot they needed to adjust dope to put that tight group on POA at the range after their first shot or 2.

In a way this story highlights that to, Rachelle (or Rochelle I dunno I've seen it both ways) a novice shooter on her first animal and Aram, despite many more years of shooting, both shot about similarly, both missed, both wounded.

I try to error on the side of caution, if I'm not 100% confident I'll place the shot where I want to I won't shoot, whether it's at 15 yards or 600, and that's something people only tend to learn hunting and not on the range, on the range it doesn't matter.
I'd agree that it seems the hard lessons need to come via hunting to really stick. It's been that way with me after being tricked into false confidence shooting steel at distance and took stupid shots at animals. I'd argue that in some cases the range teaches some people that they are overconfident in hunting situations. I've heard a bunch of high level comp shooters who were good LR hunters before shooting comps say they have a shorter max range than they used to because they've learned just how many ways there are to miss after shooting in so many circumstances where they have less control.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Antlers are one of the biggest problems in hunting,if they had any actual ethics they would have just split the meat and drew straws for the horns.
Must fill your ego with your pictures of yourself and the head.How about a picture of your plate with the true trophy.
Well that would feed your belly not your egos.
Both party’s have no business shooting that far.

I agree w the antler thing.
I also agree w many folks shoot further than they are able.

What’s yer take on some guy coming and bully into running your blood trailing?
And then moving on ahead of you like a madman?

Avb knew what he was doing and did it. He was planning on what he did.

Was it interfering with a hunt? Answer is yes.

Add the fact that he did it to a girl. Compounds the “what a jek” quite a bit.

Add that avb writes about hunter ethics, and in the 400 Legend writeup for American Hunter says he doesnt just lob bullets…. Compounds it even more.

Shooting too far without ranging is the least of his sins.


Sep 24, 2014
I agree w the antler thing.
I also agree w many folks shoot further than they are able.

What’s yer take on some guy coming and bully into running your blood trailing?
And then moving on ahead of you like a madman?

Avb knew what he was doing and did it. He was planning on what he did.

Was it interfering with a hunt? Answer is yes.

Add the fact that he did it to a girl. Compounds the “what a jek” quite a bit.

Add that avb writes about hunter ethics, and in the 400 Legend writeup for American Hunter says he doesnt just lob bullets…. Compounds it even more.

Shooting too far without ranging is the least of his sins.

Don't drop the mic yet! The work isn't done.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
Also agree, if you can shoot well @ 100, you can shoot with similar precision (as the conditions/ammo allow) @ 1000.

You absolutely cannot, as the inherent variation shot to shot is at least linearly, and probably exponentially, proportional to the range. It is widely accepted that 1MOA is 1" variation at 100 yards, and 10" at 1000 yards. That's an extra 9" of variation. Add in wind and rangefinder error, environmentals, etc, and the shot to shot variation is much much larger than 1" at 1000 yards.


Jul 2, 2016
All the shooting mistakes aside I still can’t get over the blatant lies AVB told.

-he twice said he didn’t shoot a buck with a collar
-they agreed that if they found one with a collar it didn’t belong to AVB
-he assured them he wasn’t going to steal the buck

All of the sudden, he changes his mind about the collar AND….steals the buck. All while this Easton guy just allows it to go down like that.

AVB deserves worse than he will get, the lady should probably ditch Easton and find a guy that isn’t going to be intimidated by a middle aged man in a cowboy hat with a mustache.
Nov 28, 2017
I agree w the antler thing.
I also agree w many folks shoot further than they are able.

What’s yer take on some guy coming and bully into running your blood trailing?
And then moving on ahead of you like a madman?

Avb knew what he was doing and did it. He was planning on what he did.

Was it interfering with a hunt? Answer is yes.

Add the fact that he did it to a girl. Compounds the “what a jek” quite a bit.

Add that avb writes about hunter ethics, and in the 400 Legend writeup for American Hunter says he doesnt just lob bullets…. Compounds it even more.

Shooting too far without ranging is the least of his sins.
No I definitely agree with everything you said,I was mainly saying in general but for this specific incident you are spot on.
I was just talking to a guy at work this morning,he shot a buck Friday.He text a guy that his dad lets hunts there property that he killed and sent a few pics.
First thing the guy said was that’s my other buddy’s deer,he shot it Monday,wanted to know if it had any wounds even though he could tell it was a fresh kill.
His deer from 4 days prior,that’s insane.
I told my buddy I would run his ass out of there.
If it would have been a doe nothing would even be mentioned.
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