Aram Von Benedikt

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All in the spirit of humor.
That being said, I've reserved comment/opinions on this because I wasn't there. And neither was anyone else except those that few that were involved.
As we all know, there are always two sides to a story and it usually falls in the middle, or at least to one side or the other.
I spent a long career in law enforcement and I would read shit the press would report and OMG, it wasn't even close to what occurred being I was present.
So......unless you were there and saw what happened, you don't know.

And I'm sure we have not heard everything but the fact that Outdoor Life made their statement means something.

Carry on.

@mtnwrunner , I just meant your comment was quite clever and cutting in a hilarious way.
while i agree there are two sides to every story.... what I'm reading in Aram V Shootalaegs account makes me think the young lady's account sounds much more reasonable. There are several statments in his account that actually corroborate the lady's story. They both might have been shooting long range. But at least the lady had set up, laid out on a rock and knew exactly what the range was. He can't even answer for sure if the buck he finished is the one he shot at. Aram V Shootalegs admits that he was flinging lead with no idea of the range. and then to run ahead of the lady so that he has the opportunity to shoot the wounded deer. Legally, he probably was the right person to tag the deer if Utah's law is "he who kills or takes possession of" . But he only was in a position to finish the wounded deer because he pushed ahead of the person already tracking the deer they wounded.

What a douche

I wish i was good at Memes...there have been some epic ones posted.
I am glad that the magazine did what they did. The situation was one where an outdoor writer/influencer was in a contested situation and they tried to manipulate it to their favor. When you are in that position it is your job to take the high road and he did not do that. I really hope it shows other paying for content parties that they can Influence the behavior of the content creators by having a no tolerance policy for drama like this.
The state agencies are involved now, being that this is a news worthy headline they will do an investigation and probably a press release since their is attention to this.
I can only hope if it goes as far as charges being filed that the prosecutor introduces the memes from this thread into evidence.
I hope that the prosecutor's closing argument quotes at least a meme or three.
Honestly, Easton needs credit for this. He made a rational decision, in an irrational time, that there was no winning either way. @PathFinder I truly hope that Easton recognizes that he was the bigger person in all of this and that is respectable.
Truth, keeping a clear head in chaos, is a lot more manly than losing your shit, especially when you're outnumbered and have a wife to protect and preserve a good relationship with. Kudos to Easton.

Dude bro, I prophesied this back in post 135 of this here thread.

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