Aram Von Benedikt

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All in the spirit of humor.
That being said, I've reserved comment/opinions on this because I wasn't there. And neither was anyone else except those that few that were involved.
As we all know, there are always two sides to a story and it usually falls in the middle, or at least to one side or the other.
I spent a long career in law enforcement and I would read shit the press would report and OMG, it wasn't even close to what occurred being I was present.
So......unless you were there and saw what happened, you don't know.

And I'm sure we have not heard everything but the fact that Outdoor Life made their statement means something.

Carry on.

All in the spirit of humor.
That being said, I've reserved comment/opinions on this because I wasn't there. And neither was anyone else except those that few that were involved.
As we all know, there are always two sides to a story and it usually falls in the middle, or at least to one side or the other.
I spent a long career in law enforcement and I would read shit the press would report and OMG, it wasn't even close to what occurred being I was present.
So......unless you were there and saw what happened, you don't know.

And I'm sure we have not heard everything but the fact that Outdoor Life made their statement means something.

Carry on.

I don’t know what your talking about. You are in a fifty page thread full of facts. One can easily determine what happened and the truth from the last ten pages alone.
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