Aram Von Benedikt

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He seems remorseful.

Its getting bad out there.

I read both sides of this fiasco and the most likely conclusion in my mind is that there's another buck dead somewhere on that mountain. With three dudes in his crew behind likely very expensive optics, they would have seen a damn collar on the deer. With a 700+ yard shot and not enough time to even range the deer, he also probably didn't get an accurate reference for where his got hit. He went over to the general area, busted one after talking to the couple, and ASSumed it was his. Then came the "I guess mine had a super obvious collar on when I shot it". Absolute amateur moves from start to finish and shows that his only goal was to check the box towards his calendar slam.
I've been wondering that same thing and why didn't they search for a second one.
I'd like to state publicly that some a-hole at work was using my computer to make memes all morning. It wasn't me (though some of them were pretty good!) and I'll be back at my PC responsibly working the rest of the day.
Would you really want to get into an armed conflict on a mountain over a deer? Everyone apparently had guns. If you survive and others are dead you go to prison, over a deer. Should have called LEO and GW.
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