AR SBR build

How tight are the woods your hunting that 14.5 pinned and welded wouldn’t work for the travel trip.

Are you stalking to within 18” and pressing the barrel to the side of the animal?
I'm not a lawyer, just how I've always understood it. I see what your saying though about the date aspect of it. One could argue that when I've filled it out for the entire year in the past it was filled out incorrectly and I should have had a narrower date range.

Unfortunately the SBR aspect of it makes for quick spur of the moment trips with the rifle legally impossible to do and requires some planning.
Yep, and just the sort of thing that I am likely to forget about, until too late. I realize the likelihood of an actual infraction is pretty low, but with stuff like that I prefer to avoid anything close to a problem.
Yall are mentally twisting yourselves up. Thousands upon thousands of SBR’s are taken all over the country each year to matches and training classes with zero issues. Fill the latter out for the entire year for anywhere you may go. Then stop freaking out.
Yall are mentally twisting yourselves up. Thousands upon thousands of SBR’s are taken all over the country each year to matches and training classes with zero issues. Fill the latter out for the entire year for anywhere you may go. Then stop freaking out.
I, for one, am not freaking out. I just don't want to be the first person who has an issue. Should I also not bother with keeping my trust and tax stamps with my SBR and suppressors?

EDIT - I did a quick search on and can't find any analogous examples of someone being prosecuted for failing to file/have a Form 20 (at least in the absence of some other serious charges). It still doesn't change *my personal calculus*.
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I have a bit of experience on the subject of SBRs and hunting. Several years back I was part of a group who would fill damage permits for farmers. A lot was learned during these years about what it really takes to kill a deer. One of the rifles that I used the most was a suppressed 8.5” LWRC PSD. I used Federal 62 grain Fusion which performed absolutely amazing. I then built a 12.5” upper with a BCM barrel for use with my Surefire reflex suppressor. This suppressor makes the total barrel/suppressor length 16”. I also started loading 60 grain Nosler BT varmint bullets at 2650fps. This combo probably accounted for 200+ deer and I still use it today for my all around, go everywhere, do anything rifle.
The ATF for is a 5320-20 and it can be filled out for a year long period for out of state destinations.
Follow up question - as I’ve thought about doing this for a Cousins place I periodically hunt. After re-reading the form the other day, it occurred to me that the form is to give you permission to move it to another location - but perhaps not to be able to have it at two locations. Or said another way, if I get my Form 20 approved for a year at my cousin’s place, then my concern is that my home is no longer approved.

My LGS is my gun lawyer (he was a lawyer first), so I will end up asking him if I can t figure it out on my own.

So not a lawyer, but I'll share the advise I was given by my lawyer (who does specialize in firearms law, he was the one who helped with all my FFL legal paperwork and my NFA trust).

It basically boils down to as long as you check box 2, the NFA item doesn't leave before the start date and is back at the original registered address on the date it expires your good to go.
I will not weigh in on the law for SBRs. I do have an opinion on cartridge. Are you wanting to hunt with subsonic rounds or supersonic? If sub, then the 300BO would be king with Hornady 190SubX. The 338ARC might be better but components and ammo are had to find at this point. If supersonic, pick 5.56 or 300BO. Both have plenty of options.

When I built my 300BO, I did have some tuning issues. I changed the spring and went with a Riflespeed adjustable gas block. Now that it is all dialed in, it runs flawlessly.
While not specifically dealing with pistol braces, here's an ATF letter explaining that your registered, engraved, SBR lower can be taken across state lines without f20 when it's not physically configured as an SBR. Last paragraph of the letter.
Screenshot_20241212_062508_Samsung Notes.jpg
While not specifically dealing with pistol braces, here's an ATF letter explaining that your registered, engraved, SBR lower can be taken across state lines without f20 when it's not physically configured as an SBR. Last paragraph of the letter.
View attachment 805261
Thanks for this. The second to last paragraph answered one of my questions (whether the Form 20 completion means the SBR has to be at the approved location). The final paragraph is pretty interesting, but of very little use (at least to me). If I'm going to transport that SBR receiver, the only reason I would do so is to use the short barreled upper.

I don't know whether the ATF letters can be relied upon by anyone other than the recipient, but it does help to know what they are thinking (at least at the time....)
For 50-100 and in, a 10.5 223/5.56 works great. Wouldn’t go shorter than that. I tested mine out for the first time this year and shot a couple of does. Both with 77 tmk’s. Performed excellently on both and was a dream to carry and maneuver in the tree stand. Even with a can on it. And a big bonus: practice ammo is cheap.
Curious, with the shorter barrel and reduced velocity did you get pass throughs?