Aoudad hunt terminal recap


Oct 10, 2020
Just got done DIY hunting for aoudad with 2 buddy’s. It was a legit tough, fun hunt.

Guns/bullets were as follows:

Buddy 1 - 25SST with 133 Berger at 3050fps

Buddy 2 - 300 WSM with 175 LRX at 2900fps

Me - 6.5-7PRC with 156 Berger at 3050fps

First sheep was 270 yards. Buddy 2 with the WSM got excited and shot while it was walking. Hit her about 8” behind the shoulder (which is far back for an aoudad). We bumped her out of her bed an hour later and 200 yards from the shot, just before dark dark and decided not to pursue. She was dead 50 yards away in the AM. Maybe nickle sized exit.

Second sheep was 300 yards. Buddy 1 with SST held a little too much wind on first shot and hit just in front of her chest. A quick quartering away second shot was made with good placement. Bullet went in a few ribs back and exited opposing shoulder. Sheep made a death run for maybe 75 yards before falling over.

Third sheep was 513 yards. We spooked them trying to get close enough for everyone to feel comfortable shooting. They were starting to funnel up out of the draw in a hurry. I laid down and got setup. Sheep stopped, slight quartering away at the crest and looked around. I held a minute or so for a gusting right to left wind and cut her loose. Went in just behind the entrance shoulder and exited almost center of the opposing shoulder. DRT.
Exit side. Insides were a mess, but it was so freaking hot I didn’t take much of any pictures after this.

Fourth sheep was 464 yards. Just after I killed mine they funneled back down the hill in confusion and stopped. Buddy 1 just got behind my rifle since it was setup. Gave him the info and told him hold a minute for wind. Broadside centered through the shoulders. DRT

Exit side. Inside were also a mess, but didn’t take anymore pictures.

I was definitely happy with the performance of the 156’s. Will continue to shoot them with confidence unless something changes my mind in the future.
My sheep had a small exit hole in the hide, so I was surprised to see such a large exit hole just under the hide. Maybe just a fragment exited or something. But when I pulled the shoulder off it was an absolute mess. You can see the placement elevation wise, and I lost a portion of the backstrap in that area for reference. So the wound was solid under there.
My sheep had a small exit hole in the hide, so I was surprised to see such a large exit hole just under the hide. Maybe just a fragment exited or something. But when I pulled the shoulder off it was an absolute mess. You can see the placement elevation wise, and I lost a portion of the backstrap in that area for reference. So the wound was solid under there.
Buddy had the same exact kinda deal with a 108EH, no visible exit hole and HUGE hole just under the hide. Crazy stuff, but sure kills great. Once could be a fluke, multiple instances makes me think it's a possible result from those types of bullets.
Great hunt, looks like west TX. That’s my experience too with 156s out of a6.5 SAUM @3010 fps. Three deer shot from 150-400 yards, DRT.
Buddy had the same exact kinda deal with a 108EH, no visible exit hole and HUGE hole just under the hide. Crazy stuff, but sure kills great. Once could be a fluke, multiple instances makes me think it's a possible result from those types of bullets.
Yeah definitely! I think the bullet trying to exit the hide just gets robbed of a lot of energy, and then just pops through eventually. But doesn’t always leave a massive exit the size of the wound it was making prior to trying to push through the hide.

Great hunt, looks like west TX. That’s my experience too with 156s out of a6.5 SAUM @3010 fps. Three deer shot from 150-400 yards, DRT.
Yes sir it was. And that’s good info as well!
Congrats! Love to see that performance! My 20" 6.5 PRC shoots them at 2,850 so prob gives up over 100 yards to yours in velocity, but I'll keep shooting the 156 as well.
good info, I like the format of this post with different calibers/bullet construction on the same hunt. Hard to argue with results.
Dude, I was so wrong about you. I thought you had better judgment than this. I don't know if I just missed it before, or if you've been hiding it all this time. I did not know you were an MOA guy.

Good shooting, sweet hunt, and great report! Thanks!
Dude, I was so wrong about you. I thought you had better judgment than this. I don't know if I just missed it before, or if you've been hiding it all this time. I did not know you were an MOA guy.

Good shooting, sweet hunt, and great report! Thanks!
Hahaha! I shot Mil for a couple years. But all my hunting buddy’s still shot MOA. Then trijicon came out with that new 5-25X50 FFP tenmile in MOA only, and I really liked the reticle. So I just went back to MOA specifically to try that scope and match with my hunting partners again.

Mil was totally fine. But the mil gizmos don’t matter even .01% when it comes to actually killing stuff I found. I did like the simplicity of the 10 increments on the turret though. 5.1 mil instead 15.68 MOA or some shit lol