Anything to do near Dallas in May?


Jul 18, 2014
I’m going to be in Dallas in mid-May for work, I can add a day or two for something fun if it’s worth it but I’m a MT guy and don’t know Texas, having only been to Houston, so looking for input.

Anything worthwhile to do in May within a reasonable distance of Dallas?
^Yeah I'd bring a pole and do some fishing. How long will you be there? I think Kuiu has a store in Dallas now right?

You could always go blast some hogs, or do a dog trip and stab a hog with a knife after the dogs catch one.
Been a few years since I lived there, but here were general recommendations for people in town for work:
Hard Eight BBQ just north of DFW airport
Klyde Warren Park for food trucks/random events
Billy Bob's Texas for a cheap concert in fort worth stockyards area
Red River Dance Hall Saloon thursday nights honkytonk, grungy area of town
Truckyard bar had food trucks and cool outdoor area, nice area of town
JFK Museum or George W Presidential Library if you're into history

Also Texas Hunting Forum in the outfitters and guides section I did a guided turkey hunt about 2 hours west of Dallas my first time turkey hunting for pretty good deal. They post cull and hog hunts on there for deals. So maybe check into that.
Chiggers will be out, stay out of the tall grass.
Lots of nice golf courses around the area.
Guided crappie fishing might work out, stripers in lake Texoma.
Hog hunt anywhere around the area, look on THF like stated above.
The weather is usually great here in May. I don't live in the city though. I'd recommend enjoying good tex-mex and going striper fishing on Texoma. Famous top water action starts getting good there late June. But a day on the water will still be better than being in Dallas.

Mid-may you can typically find some great bass fishing. But I can't imagine going guided for bass so I don't really have a rec there. Ray Roberts may be your best bet from Dallas.

I wish I had better recommendations. I'll be caught up in 12u softball. Tons of people love to golf around here. Before softball took over I'd be kayak fishing.
Thanks for the recommendations guys, I’ll look into them. Except for the holding, I’ve never golfed a day in my life and don’t intend to start.
If you like Indian food, lots of great options as there is a huge Indian population in Dallas. Not probably what you would first think of when you think Dallas.

If you are here on a Friday or Saturday, some Texas twinkies from Hutchins BBQ are really great.
With all the negative feelings towards Dallas in May, I may just eat some (hopefully) good food and otherwise hang in my room each evening and not stay extra.