Anyone tried CBD Oil

CBD Oil can be one of two general things. First, it can be just the oil without any effective THC. That version is legal almost everywhere. Second it can contain THC. That is legal as medical marijuana or in states where marijuana has been decriminalized.

The evidence for the non-THC oils, where they eliminated placebo effect (i.e. people fooling themselves), shows that it can reduce inflammation. It is surprisingly much more effective when rubbed on the skin. This is due to poor absorption when swallowed and also deterioration in the digestive process.

That's it. That is all it does without the THC component. For some people that might be enough to justify what is to me an outrageously overpriced fad product. I can afford CBD, but for my rebuilt knee it didn't do any more than daily icing and a compression sleeve.

On the other hand, reducing or eliminating simple sugars has a much more dramatic effect on reducing inflammation throughout the entire body. High sugar diets cause chronic inflammation. One prominent source of dietary sugar is sweetened drinks. Even orange juice has significant dietary sugar. Potatoes and other starchy foods do have sugars (carbohydrates), but these are complex sugars that don't have nearly as significant effects as simple sugars. Eliminate any foods with added sugar and your inflammation will go down. The side benefit is that all inflammation is reduced, including in key areas of the brain where inflammation contributes to chronic depression. Hunger cravings all almost disappear.

After surgery in 2016 I changed to a diet of basically meats and vegetables. The overall results were pretty amazing. The most significant change was a complete lack of craving for food or snacks. I still get hungary, but if I'm busy at work where I have to wait until 3 to eat lunch, I'm not feeling like I'm dying for food. It did more for my knee pain than $150/month powerful CBD oil (I was buying the strongest I could get).

Remember that the human mind can convince us of things working whether they actually do anything or not. A great example is any homeopathic product. They, by definition, do not contain any medicine or even any actual ingredients beyond water or (in pills) inert fillers. But people will swear they "work". Run a test where they receive tap water vs. 30C homeopathic product and there is absolutely no difference in results between the two study groups.

Actual studies show CBD (without THC) does work for one thing. It does reduce inflammation to a degree. But it is extremely expensive for what it actually does. If you can get CBD with THC legally, that is a different story.

At 58, with no testosterone replacement, this way of eating has kept me lean and muscular enough to be very happy with it.
Your first paragraph is wrong. Full spectrum products have been legalized by the federal government. There is a tiny amount of THC allowable by federal law. Tiny.
Lastly, the big change for CBD recently is because of federal law. Up until recently, it was legal to manufacture CBD but illegal to take it across state lines. A farm bill in the last few years is what changed that.
I know quite a few people who say it’s the magic cure for everything under the sun. I’ve read some scientific studies that suggest there is no evidence that it helps with anything.
I tried it with no luck at all,but don't anything about the product. Also things like this stuff all have different ways working on us.
I will also advise you to use caution when taking it. I had a coworker get canned because he failed a piss test. He was taking CBD and said it was supposed to be 100% THC free.

I wonder what brand he was taking, I’ve seen a few brands out there...Beam, Full Spectrum, etc that claim they are THC free and publish lab results to back it up. However I think it’s biased info, like your coworker I get tested since I have a CDL, and I’m too chicken to use any of it. But I know the benefits are huge, avid cross fitter so any recovery advantage I can get I’ll look into.

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I wonder what brand he was taking, I’ve seen a few brands out there...Beam, Full Spectrum, etc that claim they are THC free and publish lab results to back it up. However I think it’s biased info, like your coworker I get tested since I have a CDL, and I’m too chicken to use any of it. But I know the benefits are huge, avid cross fitter so any recovery advantage I can get I’ll look into.

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Look into trying isolate products. Only cbd. No thc or other canabanoids.
I also read several articles related to CBD oil on HealthCanal. My friends kept insisting that I buy CBD oil, giving me their examples. It helped some get over their back pain more efficiently; it helped others sleep better or cope with depression. And then I had severe problems with back pain because I worked eight hours a day on the computer. So I gave this product a try, and it really didn't disappoint. I consume 20 mg twice a day. Some say that this is the placebo effect, but studies have also shown that this product really gives you some health benefits.
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I am waiting to try CDB, until after I retire (in 4 months). My employer performs random drug testing via hair samples (not urine) and has indicated that there is no guarantee that even the less 0.3 wt % THC full spectrum hemp may not test positive. Since a positive test is immediate dismissal, I am not taking any chances ... yet.

In the mean time I am taking Tumeric which, for me, has shown signs for general effective in reducing some of my joint inflammation.

As soon as I am in retirement, I plan to source some CBD from Will it help? We will see.
Between turmeric and CBD, by a huge margin what worked best for me was...eliminating sugar from my diet. No foods with sugar. No sugar on my Corn Flakes or in my coffee. Very moderate fruit consumption, but that's complex carbs, not sugar.

CBD and turmeric weren't even a blip on the radar in comparison. Plus many other great side effects. No hungar between meals. More energy all day long. It's like a miracle happened by eliminating consumption of something that in nature humans literally almost never would consume.
I was using the non - THC water soluble drops for about a month.
Noticeably helped my nerves.
Till employer says ANY traces of it in blood or urine samples would
lead to automatic termination.
I was using the non - THC water soluble drops for about a month.
Noticeably helped my nerves.
Till employer says ANY traces of it in blood or urine samples would
lead to automatic termination.
There are a few companies with or working on a true THC free CBD.
I am waiting to try CDB, until after I retire (in 4 months). My employer performs random drug testing via hair samples (not urine) and has indicated that there is no guarantee that even the less 0.3 wt % THC full spectrum hemp may not test positive. Since a positive test is immediate dismissal, I am not taking any chances ... yet.

In the mean time I am taking Tumeric which, for me, has shown signs for general effective in reducing some of my joint inflammation.

As soon as I am in retirement, I plan to source some CBD from Will it help? We will see.

Well, retirement is now less than 3 days away. I actually started taking StHealthy's CBD tincture about a month ago. I decided that I would risk the random hair test. So far the combination of tumeric and CBD really do seem to help. The daily aches in my knees and shoulder has nearly disappeared. Used to be able to feel the heat when I placed my hand on my knee, now I can't. Daily I am taking ~15 mg broad spectrum hemp extract, or about 1/2
the dosage they suggest. May have to up the dosage as my warm weather activity levels increase.

Although I really like the quality StHealthy's CBD, I ordered some tincture from R+R Medicinals: ( Similar quality profile and price is less. After all, I will be on e fixed income soon, LOL. Now if I can figure out how to get Medicare to pay for it.
It works for some people but not everyone. It certainly is not the "healing power from above" that the marketing says it is

I tried it and it did NOTHING for me
Just wondering if it is all it's advertised to be. Pain reliever, etc etc. The Wife would like to try some, she has aches and pains from bulging discs, and I have normal aches and pains of a 66 year old. We have no idea which company to deal with as there are plenty of places selling the stuff. I'm sure there are multiple strengths and different forms (liquid, pills), etc
Anyone use it and can recommend supplier?
I was having bad back pain for a couple years. Used Sunsoil CBD. Helped but best thing I did is started going to the gym. No more back pain after a couple months.
I'm sure most are aware of this but for those that may not be;

In order to legally purchase a firearm in the United States, an individual must complete a Firearms Transaction Record (form 4473). Question 11(e) on this form asks:
“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

Even though Medical Cannabis is being legalized, the ATF, DEA, FDA and the Federal Government still classify Marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic. Thus, if you have a Medical Marijuana (MM) card, you are not allowed to own a firearm.
The Federal government designates cannabis, it’s seeds, and derivatives as a Schedule I controlled substance.
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) states that chemicals of this class and designation have “no accepted medicinal use” and can’t be used safely even under the supervision of a physician.
According to, in October 2016, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives amended the Form 4473 to add the following to Question 11(e):
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
Last year, the 9th Federal Circuit Court has upheld the ATF’s interpretation on possession of a medical marijuana card as “intermediate proof” that you have no right to possess, transfer or purchase firearms and ammunition.
The 9th Circuit in its 3-0 decision said Congress reasonably concluded that marijuana and other drug use “raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated.”
Basically stating that even though it has been legalized, if you opt for a cannabis based therapy to treat an ailment that afflicts you, you have given up your Right to legally own a firearm.

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The answer to the question on form 4473 is "NO" I am not an unlawful user. No one is checking on people with a MM card to see if they have guns.
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CBD Oil can be one of two general things. First, it can be just the oil without any effective THC. That version is legal almost everywhere. Second it can contain THC. That is legal as medical marijuana or in states where marijuana has been decriminalized.

The evidence for the non-THC oils, where they eliminated placebo effect (i.e. people fooling themselves), shows that it can reduce inflammation. It is surprisingly much more effective when rubbed on the skin. This is due to poor absorption when swallowed and also deterioration in the digestive process.

That's it. That is all it does without the THC component. For some people that might be enough to justify what is to me an outrageously overpriced fad product. I can afford CBD, but for my rebuilt knee it didn't do any more than daily icing and a compression sleeve.

On the other hand, reducing or eliminating simple sugars has a much more dramatic effect on reducing inflammation throughout the entire body. High sugar diets cause chronic inflammation. One prominent source of dietary sugar is sweetened drinks. Even orange juice has significant dietary sugar. Potatoes and other starchy foods do have sugars (carbohydrates), but these are complex sugars that don't have nearly as significant effects as simple sugars. Eliminate any foods with added sugar and your inflammation will go down. The side benefit is that all inflammation is reduced, including in key areas of the brain where inflammation contributes to chronic depression. Hunger cravings all almost disappear.

After surgery in 2016 I changed to a diet of basically meats and vegetables. The overall results were pretty amazing. The most significant change was a complete lack of craving for food or snacks. I still get hungary, but if I'm busy at work where I have to wait until 3 to eat lunch, I'm not feeling like I'm dying for food. It did more for my knee pain than $150/month powerful CBD oil (I was buying the strongest I could get).
Full Spectrum CBD
Remember that the human mind can convince us of things working whether they actually do anything or not. A great example is any homeopathic product. They, by definition, do not contain any medicine or even any actual ingredients beyond water or (in pills) inert fillers. But people will swear they "work". Run a test where they receive tap water vs. 30C homeopathic product and there is absolutely no difference in results between the two study groups.

Actual studies show CBD (without THC) does work for one thing. It does reduce inflammation to a degree. But it is extremely expensive for what it actually does. If you can get CBD with THC legally, that is a different story.

At 58, with no testosterone replacement, this way of eating has kept me lean and muscular enough to be very happy with it.
Hello, Did you know if CBD oil is really helpful for pain? Do I have to ask for permission from my doctor to use it? Any good CBD oil? I was able to read some reviews on CBDTopReviews but I also want a recommendation from someone with personal experience. Thanks!
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I believe CBD is the snake oil of this generation. It cures and treats absolutely everything. I bought some hoping it would help with aches and pains. I took 4x the recommended dose and nothing. My wife tried it for anxiety, nothing. I think it is great for a placebo. I wouldn't waste my money on it. Just buy some actual weed instead.
Used it several times and had no relief. However, I have several good friends that have had cancer or other effects of hard living, and they use it regularly. They have also said that the good stuff, (from reputable companies and thusly most expensive) is all that they use.