Anyone regret their point situation?

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Glendon Mullins

Hillbilly Moderator
Staff member
Sep 7, 2014
Highland County Virginia
You guys arguing for the last 30 posts on this thread need to stop, you turned a decent thread into a steaming pile of shit, knock it off and or take it to PM please!


Sep 27, 2016
I guess I will echo what has already been said. I do not have a ton of points but my strategy is to use them every few years to gain a tag that is just a tier or two above OTC when possible. Most of the states if you are not at max points you will likely not hit the trophy tags.

I am too concerned that the point systems may collapse over the next couple decades to spend the time and money to commit to that kind of gamble. I will save that cash for the kids collage fund and hope he lets me tag along on a high draw odd JR hunt when he or she is ready.

Points can be expensive but for the cost of most out of state trips the point/tag cost is a fairly small percentage.

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Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
Between my wife and I, I dont even want to add up how much money I've spent on points. But to me it's like the lotto, you can't win if you dont play. If California would just cough up the damn bull tule elk tag already I dont know if I would ever ask for anything more.

How many of us on here are or will be investing money in points for your kids until they are financially able to afford it themselves? With two already, and soon to be three kids on the ground at my house the idea of dealing with 5x's the money for applications is daunting to say the least and in all honesty not practical. For those of you who have kids that hunt do you apply them for one or two species/states or are they just going to have to start off on there own?

I haven't read through this whole thread so forgive me if these questions have been brought up already.


Jun 18, 2015
Looks like this thread went full archerytalk and back before I even saw it...

Getting that out of the way, I have mixed feelings about the points I have. I regret that fact that it took me years to fully understand and grasp the point systems for each state and what other tag options are out there. I regret having started in some states because I had a false understanding that one day I would get a dream tag, when now it looks like that simply isn't the case. At the same time I don't regret having the points because being younger I'm still better off than most and will have options open going forward. I think you just have to have a plan for what to do with your points, a plan that is backed up by facts. For that reason I don't apply in a few states because the land owner tag options in those states make better financial sense if your goal is to hunt a trophy unit once in your lifetime.

I'm probably personally biased on this opinion but it does drive me nuts to see guys buying points for their kids. I get that it's smart and totally allowed it just seems to make the system even more unfair to others. Especially for those that didn't grow up in a hunting family or didn't grow up in a family that had the money to do that. I completely agree with separate youth draws, but I feel that everyone should be on a level playing field when they hit age 18.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
When my kids were 12 they didn’t have the money for points so I paid for them. My wife didn’t hunt but at some point might want to so I paid for hers. My brother quit hunting decades ago but with the points I bought him and some convincing, we might go on our first hunt together before one of us dies.
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