Anyone know an August Hunt? I have leave to burn….Tennessee?

You pick your evenings, sit in the shade, and hopefully there is a breeze. A thunderstorm about an hour before dark that drops the temps really gets them moving. I like early season, we have a lot of ag and the deer are very predictable. I’ve killed a lot of deer wearing shorts, a Columbia fishing shirt, and a pair rubber boots with the tops rolled down. Thermacells were a game changer.


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Hey all, I have to use up a bunch of leave before October 1st or I’ll lose it. I’m Planning on a sept trip to Washington in September but was looking around for a hunt to do in august as well. I’d like to make it a driving trip from New Orleans. So far I’ve only found a weekend hunt in Tennessee last week of august on select WMA units with CWD.

Pretty sure that’s it , but if anyone has other info I’d appreciate it! Also, has anyone hunted this early CWD Archery weekend in Tennessee? Is it a total madness of a weekend or are hunters sparse?



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The three day hunt at the end of august I believe is only on privet property and it is a buck only velvet hunt as well. I live in East Tennessee and this is what I have heard. Not sure in the CWD zones in west Tennessee.